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EU England rwy course issue

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I have P3DV4, Orbx EU  and Orbx EU England and the various other Orbx elements like global vector etc. 


I have an issue with EGNV RWY ILS 23.  When I place my aircraft at the start of the above runway, the runway is not at 90 degrees to the screen, but is slightly angled to the right.

When coming in to land at the above runway I find that the aircraft, as it moves forward to land has its nose pointing a little to the right (effectively crabbing).  When I de-select EU England in the P3DV4  scenery library  (but leaving Orbx EU Europe selected), the issue disappears.  I have the latest Airac cycle (2004) and I believe, the latest Magdec file in the default scenery and also in Prosim 737 (which I use).


I have looked at the default airport file for this airport and noted that the true course is set at 227.43 degrees and magnetic course is 228.23 degrees.  The Orbx scenery file gives similar entries.  The Airport Chart from Navigraph gives the magnetic course as 228 degrees.


I am not sure what the issue is.  Your advice would be appreciated.







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