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TE Scenery in XP 11.50b1 Question

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Hi folks,


Not a regular visitor here, but I do read through on occasion.  However, with the release of the Vulkan beta of XP I've been flying around putting the beta through its' paces and came across something odd and want to know if anyone else is seeing this issue.


What I've experienced is that my WA SD and Northern California SD Seem to work fine and appear to have all the custom buildings in place.  However, this evening I decided to go back and enjoy some stunning GB scenery so flew my helicopter over Edinburgh.  I quickly realized that the only objects I was seeing was the autogen scenery.  The Castle, Cathedrals, Soccer Stadiums, etc. were all missing along with the bridges spanning the river just north of the airport.  These objects are all present in the stable release (11.41) but not in 11.50b1.  I have adjusted settings thinking it may be something to do with object density, texture quality, etc. but I've had no luck in getting these objects to show.


I haven't tried any other areas (GB South, GB Central, or other areas in GB North) so I'm not sure how widespread this issue is, but again my North America packages seem to be working just fine in 11.50b1.


Anyone else seeing this?  Is this something that has already been discussed?  (I've looked and did not see any other threads that adress this topic specifically.)


I didn't see anything that stands out in the log file, but I'm attaching it here in case I missed something.




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