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What Video Card??


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I have recently upgraded the system to Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD5 m/b,I5-750, Win7 32, 4GB ram, Samsung 23 & Acer 19 monitors and find the old Saphire Radeon XP1950 wont hack FSX with add on scenery. When in full outside view frame rate dies & panning views are jerky & the whole thing crashes. I suspect due to lack of frame rate. A video upgrade seems to be the next thing to do, but which card fits in best with FSX & Orbxy add on scenery. I have trawled the ATI & Nvidia web sites but this only confused matters.

What is a good single slot PCIEX_1 card with 2 DVI outputs that works well with FSX with the Orbx add on's? I know there are going to be a lot of opinions but all information will be greatly appreciated.



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From my observations I don't believe either nVidia or ATI is any better or any worse that the other.

I do know the GTX285 while being a little dated is still one of the best FSX Graphics Cards.

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