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ATiTrayTools problem


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I installed atitraytools after reading about it on other topic, tuned settings and then started flying. and this is what my sim looks now :S

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[img width=1160 height=615]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1269926946.jpg

I tried tuning settings in every way possible, but can't get these jaggy edges away. I'm using 10.3 drivers.

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Your top screenshot appears as though there is no filtering whatsoever. (Bilinear, trilinear, anisotropic, etc).

I have an ATI card too, and also use TrayTools and the 10.3 drivers w/no problems. Have you set up a profile in TrayTools for FSX? You can build a profile with FSX specific settings, and have TrayTools put a shortcut on your desktop to launch FSX with those settings. In my profile I force 8x AA, 16x AF, and force vsync on.

edit: also, you may need to tick the AA box in FSX, and set filtering to anisotropic.

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Aha, that may have been the problem. I did do the profile, loaded up fsx, everything was so blurry i couldnt see the menu bar, but then i unticked AA from inside fsx, and everything was clear again.. too clear... like in the picture. I tried everything, except ticking AA ingame again. I get same kind of blurryness when i put mipmap quality minimal in CCC without ATT.

Well, i have to read for my exams atm, so i will test it again in the evening, as i now know how to deal with it.

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No dice, reinstalled atitools, tuned settings like you suggested, (tho u only said 8x while the filtering makes ALOT difference, so i tried with edge-detected and box), saved into a profile and made gameprofile, fsx settings AA ticked and AF on. Still same.

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Are you using DX9 or is 'DX10 Preview' checked??

edit: above, when I said I'm using the same "with no problems", I was referring to DX10. I should have been more clear. With DX9, I'm in the exact same boat as you, and my DX9 looks like complete arse. TrayTools does NOT pass the AA/AF commands on to the sim. Very frustrating.

Realizing that I am still within my return window for my 5850, I've decided to return that and ordered an nvidia GTX 285, which will be here tomorrow.

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Unless you have a new version of Ray Adams's Tray tools I think your fighting an up hill battle , I'm not sure whether ATI TT is designed to run in OS's later than XP Pro, but I could be wrong.

As a Word from the wise Set ALL graphics options manually in your OS. and Graphics Configuration .

Then manually adjust in FSX (without AA)  and you should be good to go.

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I have an ATI 5850 running the latest TrayTools - Windows 7 64.

In game settings:

AA ticked


Traytools settings:

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A lot of people use 4x Box but I find I still have a lot of jaggies, especially the trees (a perennial FSX rendering problem). 4x Wide Tent softens everything a bit but looks better overall.

I'm experimenting with DX10 ATM

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Mozzy, are those settings you listed working for you in DX9? It is my understanding that FSX in DX10 mode will not receive AA and or AF calls, or vsync, from the drivers, nhancer, ATT, or anything else. You only get what's provided by ticking the AA check box and selecting Anisotropic in the sim. ATT will report that it's passing 4x/16x, but FSX isn't actually receiving it.

Using a 5850 and the 10.3 drivers, absolutely nothing works for me with DX9. It looks awful, and gives me about 10 to 15 fps even in non-city areas. With DX10 it looks good and I get 50 to 60 fps in bush country, and over 30 fps in crowded cities. And this is on a fresh build of FSX with SP2, and GEX, REX, and UTX.

I have a thread going on Avsim about Dx9 vs Dx10, and people are swearing up & down that DX9 can be made to look better than DX10, and that it can run just as fast, and without DX10's glitches. I've yet to see this. Hopefully the GTX 285 will be the holy grail that gets me there.

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These are with  DX9. I'm experimenting with DX10 - yes the performance is fantastic but the AA is pretty bad. The main thing I've found under DX10 is to set AF to application controlled rather than the 16 x set under dx9.

There are so many tweaks that are available using traytools, especially under the Hardware - Advanced tweaks tab, that it would be interesting to try some of these with DX10.

I have a thread going on Avsim about Dx9 vs Dx10, and people are swearing up & down that DX9 can be made to look better than DX10, and that it can run just as fast, and without DX10's glitches. I've yet to see this. Hopefully the GTX 285 will be the holy grail that gets me there.

DX10 performance is WAY smoother on my rig. I might look at having a heavy weather IFR profile (using FSX Go) that used DX10 and a low and slow DX9 profile to enjoy the view more.

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DX10 performace is WAAY smother on my rig. I might look at having a heavy weather IFR profile (using FSX Go) that used DX10 and a low and slow DX9 profile to enjoy the view more.

Right, same here, and I'm just wondering if that's because of our card, the 5850. All the people that were swearing by DX9 were using an Nvidia card, and the nhancer tweaks.

FSX is a hobby unto itself, and it gets very confusing, and very frustrating trying to sort it out. It really sucks that MS killed off the series, because new support would have been nice.

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aww ****, still got same kind of jaggies on the ground. Everything else is kinda smooth, but ground textures look crispy like in the first pic and houses too. :( Even resetting CCC 3d settings to defaults didn't help. Maybe i need to reinstall drivers again.

goddamit, i uninstalled 10.3 with its installer, reboot, driver sweeper clean, install 10.3, still same  >:( AARGH!

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I just got my GTX 285 installed. I'll keep you posted. Going to dinner here in a bit, but when I get back I'll fully test FSX with it.

I ran a quick look with Batman Arkham Asylum. 1920x1080, 8xAA, 16xAF, and PhysX enabled, I was getting 50 to 60 fps, it looked stunning. fingers crossed for FSX.

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I uninstalled 10.3 again only with driversweeper, tried launching fsx but it didn't recoqnize my GPU at all. So i installed back 10.3, let everything be default on CCC, fired fsx, same too crispy textures. I rebooted fsx with preview dx10 on, and ground textures were smooth, only normal jaggy edges that are normally there without AA. ticked AA ingame, and everything looked good, except runways :( So dx10 is nono for me.

Goddamit, i registered to guru3d forums if they know something to repair the problem (since traytools support forum is by guru3d) but they require admin activation to be able to post in there, and it has took 3 days now :( Goddamit ATT for ruining my FSX!

heres screenie with dx10 on

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Goddamit, i registered to guru3d forums if they know something to repair the problem (since traytools support forum is by guru3d) but they require admin activation to be able to post in there, and it has took 3 days now :( Goddamit ATT for ruining my FSX!

I believe TrayTools hasn't been updated since last summer. As an application, it is likely unaware of any drivers since then, and may be unaware of Win 7 too (if you're using that). That's why I wrote it off - for me it just didn't seem to be passing the commands to FSX. nhancer, on the other hand, is constantly updated and works great with Win7.

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Goddamit, i registered to guru3d forums if they know something to repair the problem (since traytools support forum is by guru3d) but they require admin activation to be able to post in there, and it has took 3 days now :( Goddamit ATT for ruining my FSX!

I believe TrayTools hasn't been updated since last summer. As an application, it is likely unaware of any drivers since then, and may be unaware of Win 7 too (if you're using that). That's why I wrote it off - for me it just didn't seem to be passing the commands to FSX. nhancer, on the other hand, is constantly updated and works great with Win7.

I have windows 7; the latest version of traytools i downloaded said windows 7 is supported.  How does nhancer help me with this?
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