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Question about processors.

Guest simtechdave

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Guest simtechdave

Here's a questions for those of you with a bit more knowledge about processors.  I currently have Dual Core AMD processors running at about 2.6GHZ, an Nvidia 9800 GTX and 3 gig of ram (can't remember if it's DDR2, I'm not at home as I write this).  I am thinking I may upgrade my motherboard, CPU and RAM this weekend. 

I get about 17 - 24FPS at Darrington (pay version) sitting in the default 172, but the textures get pretty blurry when flying.  At major airports things drop down to 9 - 11FPS, all of this is with the recommended FTX settings.  While not really that bad..... I wouldn't mind a little more power and sharper textures while flying.

I've always been told FSX is mostly CPU driven...... so what's the biggest difference between the AMD and Intel processors.  I have heard it said the the Intels running at 2.8ghz are better on frame rates for FSX than an AMD running at 3.2ghz.  I have never been able to do a side by side comparison to really see what they're like, so I don't know if this is true. 

Anyone here able to shed some light on this?  Let me know your thoughts



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Mate I run an Intel E8500 3Ghz with a GE 9800 GTX+ now depending on just where I am I am achieving between 25-35 Fps with the odd excursion above and below that figure.

City Areas don't concern me as I rarely go there either in the virtual world OR real, my FSX settings are moderately high, but the graphics settings as always are at MAX and NEVER set by any Sim Game or other Software but be me manually.

FSX is NOT CPU Driven as many think, I admit that it helps a lot BUT a combination of CPU + GPU and careful tweaks will get results from medium range hardware.

I have seen some gamers with top shelf gear and lousy performance simply because they do not understand how particular settings work within a certain Game or simulation, and or don't care to get it better thinking that money solves all ills. IMHO throwing money at a PC setup is not the key to achieving performance, knowledge of how to fine tune your PC is.

In your case to be honest I'd ditch the AMD in preference to an i7 920 with 4-6 Gb DDR3 with a small SSD as your FSX drive, running your OS on an SSD only improves boot times and not overall performance from what I have seen so far.

You could stay with the 9800 as they are a good card and expand later as the budget allows.

Above all else keep things clean and cool with a decent sized case and plenty of airflow through it.

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Very insightful response Maurice. I think a thread on "How to fine Tune a PC" with tips and other facts as a sticky would be a great learning tool for all Tips like to to fine tune XP and Win 7, get rid of un necessary processess. Or the top 10 CFG tweeks. Or best slider settings etc. Most likely a lot of that information in spread through the forum on various thread, but a "Best Of", or something of that effect clustering the top knowledge in one thread. Just an idea. The trusty search function and time looking is probably the way to go, as the great information and gems are contained within this forum. My other idea is cut, paste and collect by searching hauling an all nighter coffie drinking information gathering fest. I get some what amazed at the high level of expertise on this forum. A small rant after a rough week at work.

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Guest simtechdave

I forgot to say thank you Maurice for your reply and info.

I've been flying MS flight sims since 1988 (that's a hell of a lot longer than I've ever been able to stay married!...lol).  and I've decided that for most flight sim enthusiast's we treat our sims and computers like model railroad enthusiast's treat their train sets.  We spend most of our time tinkering, editing and tweaking and very little time just flying...... and that's just fine if you enjoy it, and I've come to the conclusion that I must because it's what I spend most of my time doing.  Last night I made a few more tweaks and flying the Lionheart Whitman Tailwind around Mount St Helen's I was getting 50+ FPS.  So in a rare moment of clarity...or sobriety, I quit tweaking and just flew the damn thing.... stopped off at several small airports I found and just enjoyed it.  ;)

Oh, I may still upgrade my PC..... but it sure was nice to just fly last night... and enjoy the view.

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