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EGLC parking positions

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I installed EGLC for P3Dv4 this morning and I have to say, it's a fantastic rendering of my favourite airport in real life. I've used the UK2000 version for many years and while their work is always great, and I own a bunch of their airports, their EGLC is a little long in the tooth, and the terminal modelling is relatively inaccurate (though much better than anything else out there... until today!). But the new ORBX EGLC is nothing short of fantastic, with the PBR being the real cherry on top. And I was pleasantly surprised to find that it doesn't maul your frame rates - though the GB South London patch can't come soon enough, so I can get my scenery complexity above Sparse!


One thing I have noticed is that AI traffic is parking incorrectly. I use Ultimate Traffic Live for traffic and all of the AI planes it generates on-stand park a fair distance in front of where they should. They're on the right line, facing the right way, just several meters forward of the box where their front gear should be. I don't currently have a screen-shot but if I can make one later I'll add it here.


I have deactivated my UK2000 EGLC and made sure I don't have any replacement AFCAD files for the airport anywhere, and I don't. Could this be a problem with the airport itself?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Going to bump this one because I'm still having the problem. I've made sure there are absolutely no rogue EGLC files anywhere else.


When I start at West Parking 1 in the Phenom 300, the nose wheel is significantly further forward than the parking mark on the tarmac. The same is true of all other gates and parking positions. All aircraft - user and AI - are parked well ahead of the marked position, whereas static aircraft are located spot-on (of course). In the case of Gate 9, an AI Dash 8 which spawned there was so far forward that it had its nose wheel in the middle of the vehicle lane that runs in front of the gate. Arriving AI aircraft do not park correctly either.


Isn't anyone else seeing this?





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