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Vista 32 versus Vista 64


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Looks like I am going to have to do a system restore. I have been running the factory loaded Vista 32 bit system until now but it was delivered with a 64 bit option. Am I likely to see any benefit in installing the Vista 64 bit OS on my modest PC?



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Given that you are installing from scratch .. give some serious thought to Win7 64.

As for 64 vs 32 bit, you get more addressable memory which makes OOM errors less likely ... and performance is probably a bit smoother.

FSX is a native 32bit app, which only uses 2Gb of memory (max) so don't expect miracles.

I am using Vista64 mainly because I don;t have the time and inclination to reinstall everything ... and because I'm lazy.

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thanks for the quick reply. The system will go back to the OEM and they will only install what came with the original purchase. However, the machine will be clean when it is returned so it would be a good time to upgrade to Windows 7 64 bit if it is worth it. Am I likely to see any benefit in FSX by running Windows 7 64 bit? I guess the same argument about max use of RAM still applies but is there a benefit just because it is a better OS? Having said that about RAM, I notice many people on this forum are using 6 or even 12 GB Ram. Is much of that capacity redundant with FSX?

Thanks again


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By all accounts Win7 is a far better O/S for FSX ... so yes.

I have a Win7 Ultimate Retail box sitting near my dev machine  ... taunting me ....

If the machine blew up tomorrow ... after I had recovered from my depression, I would install Win7 64 in a heartbeat.

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My old computer came with Vista 32, which I didn't like that much, with its UAC and other issues.  So, I upgraded to Win 7 32 and am SOOOO glad I did.  What an incredibly better OS.  Leaner (takes less memory), faster, more stable. 

I just built a new computer and so installed Win 7 64 on it.  Just got it going this weekend, so I haven't had enough experience to tell whether 64 bit makes much of a difference, at least in FSX.  But why not, right?  If you're going to upgrade to Win 7, which I recommend, it would be best to upgrade to 64 bit.  More and more stuff will be written for it, and if FSX doesn't gain much by it, at least a lot of the rest of the stuff you do (browsing, etc) will now or will in the near future.

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