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Performance Help Requested...


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I have been experiencing a slow performance degradation over the past few weeks.  While I have added PNW+7S3+1S2 and a couple of A/C, I can't attribute the slow down to them.  Even when flying default scenery (I know yuck! but I am addicted to trying to land the PMDG JS41 @ Aspen properly) my FPS has dropped way down and I have developed stutters.  I have done all troubleshooting, tweak changes recreating FSX.CFG, etc... that I can think of but nothing is helping.

So I wanted to gather some input from people with similiar rigs to see if I can pin down the problem (I am leaning toward a Vid Card issue).

My rig is:

Core i7 920 OC'd to 4.0GHz on air

AsRock X58 Extreme Mobo - BIOS 1.70

Noctua NH-U12P Cooler

OCX Gold 1600 DDR3 6GB RAM

WD Caviar Black 1TB HDD

Antec P183 Case with extra 3 fans

Corsair 850W PSU

PNY XLR8 GTX 275 896MB on Forceware 196.34 BETA

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (Originally installed August '09)

FSX+ Acceleration


UTX2 - disabled

GEX-NA 1.09

UT2 - traffic currently disabled

A couple of areas I am seeing particular problems:

Takeoff from 7S3 - Stark's and direct to Portland Intl - KPDX and Land - on Final I drop to 15-20 with micro stutters. I start @ 26FPS on runway

Takeoff from CVBB - Boundary Bay and head north over Vancouver Intl to downtown.  My FPS is all over the place from 12-30 with stuttering

Takeoff from KSEA and Fly over Downtown and up to KPAE, my rates on takeoff can fall as low as 13...

I appreciate any input I can get...thank you

Don Domzalski

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Are you running windowed mode? If you are, make sure it is not maximised windowed mode. Make sure that the window you are running in does not touch the task bar section at the bottom.

Defrag your computer. I use Auslogics (freeware Aussie defragger) and tell it to defrag the FSX folder only, it usually increases frames a tiny bit but also helps texture loading times etc. If you haven't defragged after installing something as large as PNW, you probably should!

Don't push your sliders all the way to the right for everything, I believe that bringing water down a little bit helps frames a lot without too much of a compromise

Make your clouds get drawn closer rather than further.

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Are you using real-time weather?  There is a big fps/stutter difference between weather with complex cloud layers and clear skies, maybe the performance decrease is due to changing general weather conditions?

Otherwise check task manager, is there an antivirus or other background process introduced recently?

The 275 is a bit weak for FSX.  I got rid of a lot of stutters going from an 8800  ultra to the GTX 285.

BTW, I can't hit 4 GHZ with my ASrock Extreme.  Maybe off topic, but I'd like to know what voltages you're using if possible.

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I've defraged, played with sliders turned realtime weather on and off, etc....  I am leaning towards the GTX 275 as the culprit because I ran some benchmarks (Heaven & 3Dmark Vantage) and they came well below what I have seen in published reviews.  The other culprit could possibly be the the motherboard but I've tried the card in both full 16x slots with the same results plus I can run Prime95 all day @ 4.0GHz and am rock solid stable.

I also went nuts and actually reformated and re-installed Windows and FSX to see if it was just a bad FSX install - nope. So I have restored from Home Server backup (off topic but can't say enough about Home Server - it rocks!) back to previous.

sbflyer...I will reboot in a bit to lookup my settings, I've been stable so long I have forgotten what they.  If you have the ASRock OC DNA utility, it would be easier to just send you the profile for you to try.

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I rolled back my drivers to 190.38 (which the card came with) and re-ran the Heaven Benchmark, I went from 590 @ 23.4FPS to 747 @ 29.6 FPS YAY!

So I loaded up FSX, went to 7S3 starting on the active.  I went from 26FPS yesterday to 31FPS today running the exact same config.  I then flew over to KPDX and landed on 28L and taxied to parking.  My FPS stayed @ 20 or above throughout with no stuttering.  AND I was flying the 185F, which previously on the new drivers I could never see the wheel chocks, pitot covers, etc... not I can. 

I am going to fly around more with these drivers and see how it goes...Had my wife watch the results and started priming her for getting a GTX 480 in a couple of weeks  ;D

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