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RAID 0 and Win 7 64 Query


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I am thinking of grabbing Win 7 64 (not sure which version, feel free to throw in your thoughts) and have two 500GB HDD's.  One by Western Digital and the other is a Seagate, both are 7200 rpm I believe. 

Can anyone tell me if I can set these up in RAID 0, even though they are different brands etc, and whether or not it is worth doing on my E8500 (stock speed), Vista 64, 4 gb ram, ATI 4870 machine?  If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a 'How to' kind of page?


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No you can't you should for RAID run and never mix them. Always get drives that are identical BUT from different production batches, so if one fails your not likely to have both fail at the same time not that it matters as RAID 0 is not redundant anyway and you will still need to rely on a decent backup plan.

Personally with what you have I'd be buying an SSD to run the OS and flight from and all other programming off the 500's

remember in RAID0 your going to have no redundancy and total storage of only 500Gb actually less.

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Personally with what you have I'd be buying an SSD to run the OS and flight from and all other programming off the 500's

remember in RAID0 your going to have no redundancy and total storage of only 500Gb actually less.

Yup, hearing that from a few people now.  I'll save my $$'s and grab an ssd.  I have a system upgrade looming anyway so at least I'll have a good HDD setup when I go down that path (two 500's and one SSD for FSX and Windows)

Thanks Maurice.

I'll now need some SSD suggestions...  What size for Win 7 64, FSX, and all the FTX (thinking of the furture  ;) ) including airports/strips? Any particular brand?

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G'day Wedge, I have two 250gb SSD's. I had originally planned one 500gb but I gave up waiting for delivery. At this moment I have installed Win 7 64bit and FSX with heaps of add on scenery including the complete ORBX range a several other related programs such as REX2 and MyTraffic on one SSD. Total disk space used so far is 140gb with 90gb still free.

I think that I should perhaps have loaded FSX on the second drive but can always move it over if necessary thanks to advice I received here on the forum.

IMHO although the SSD's are expensive the price tag is well worth while for the improved speed and performance especially with the Orbx scenery.

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