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Trackir Pro 5


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Can anyone recommend any places in the UK where it's possible to purchase the Trackir Pro5? One of those items that I keep thinking about and Patrick reminded me of again yesterday, so I've started looking again. Finding much in the way of choice where to buy it from in the UK is not so easy though.

Thanks in advance.  :)

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Yes Paul, I can help you and why have you not got one yet /slap you will kick yourself BIG time for not getting one years ago.

Problem over, here is where I got mind, great service and make sure you get the TrackClip Pro

Main link


TrackIR 5 page is here but you need to click Product overview then scroll down to TrackIR5 £140.00 but its a must have Paul.


Enjoy  :)

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Guest markabcan

Perhaps someone could better explain the whole TrackIR thing, I did look a bit on the web and it appears to be a headset of some type which moves with you within the sim.  So presumably if I tilt my head up or down or slightly look left or right this movement will be reproduced in the sim?  I've seen videos utilizing this product and it looks very nice but I never quite understood its workings...


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Perhaps someone could better explain the whole TrackIR thing

Hi Mark,

Presumably you've seen the demo videos at Naturalpoint (and on YouTube). You are correct that it follows head movement - the latest units allow six degrees of freedom so will control viewpoint if you turn your head, move forward or back, tilt, etc.

The movement on screen is magnified from real motion so you can (for instance) look over your virtual shoulder without loosing sight of the actual screen.

The mechanism uses a camera (a small webcam type device on top of your screen) which tracks IR reflections from either a small contraption (passive reflector) that affixes to a baseball cap, or another small contraption (active LED) which fastens to the boom mic of a headset and requires USB power.

Both work very well, the latter is an optional extra ("Track clip pro") but offers more resilient tracking in tricky light conditions. I sometimes find the passive one looses track if there's bright sunlight reflections behind me, but it really depends on your screen's location; by and large both are very solid.

I got my first TrackIR at version 1.0 when IL2 Sturmovik first came out, and have been unable to fly without one since.

Everything you read is true, it really is the best thing to happen to flight simulation since someone decided the cursor keys didn't cut it and invented the Joystick.

Cheers, Iain

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