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Sound card question


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I'm in the middle of building my new system.  I'm using the Asus 6T Deluxe V2 mb, which has very nice built in sound.  I also have a Razer Barracuda just sitting in a box.  Unused.  I was thinking I'd sell it, but then I got to wondering, would a standalone sound card take some of the load off the cpu and perhaps give me a few more FPS?  If so, I can throw it in.  If not, why bother. 

So, what is the verdict from those who know?

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The Asus 6T Deluxe V2 mb has a problem recognising more than 4Gb RAM irrespective of OS flavor (BIOS Related) and also has I believe Realtek Audio which by many users is fine for playing music and movies BUT IMHO when you start mixing this with Gaming and Teamspeak it is a pain in the butt and very upset and creates internal sound loops and other anomalies that are very hard to work around especially if you mix Skype and outer AGC enabled VOiP programs into this mix as well.

I have a MoBo with Realtek and I ONLY use as Backup Audio when absolutely necessary is in the event of my Soundblaster External failing.

Either an external USB Sound device or an internal PCI or PCIe will likely take some load off the CPU because it is not using some of the CPU cycle time to control the MoBo sound, I'm not sure that you would see a significant increase in performance though.

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Interesting.  You're the first person I've heard that about the memory from.  I know many oc'ers use this board, usually with a lot more than 4gb of memory.  The sound chip on the board is ADI, not Realtek, which is supposed to be much better, and it has the ad2000b drivers, which are supposed to be the best, so I think the sound quality of the onboard should be good enough for me.  If it wouldn't really add much performance to go with a pci sound card, I'll probably just stick with the onboard.  I may hang on to the sound card for a while though to try it out.

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Just 'cause it doesn't show more than 4Gb doesn't mean it wont use it  I wasn't sure what Sound that board used hence the Realtek .

At the end of the Day it comes down to what works for you and what your budget is  Like Me :)

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Thanks for the info and response.  I was kind of thinking that it might not make much performance difference, but wasn't sure, so it was good to hear feedback on that.  If it starts doing some of the stuff you mention, I can pop the pci card in.  My greater concern is actually for ROF, which some friends and I fly together.  It HATES my current onboard sound chip and will freeze up when explosions go off.  If it does that on the new board, then the card is going in fast.

Thanks again.

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The Asus 6T Deluxe V2 mob uses DDR3 SDRAM up to 24Gb. However, 32bit OS will only see just under 4Gb.

To take advantage of >4Gb, use a 64-bit OS, which is available in XP, VISTA or Windows 7, the latter being my choice.

The full specification for your Mob can be found http://shopper.cnet.com/motherboards/asus-p6t-deluxe-v2/4014-3049_9-33515953.html#info-5

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Yeah, I know.  Maurice was saying that this mb has trouble seeing more than 4 (not more than 3) regardless of OS, which is news to me, as I haven't heard that anywhere else.  At any rate, I'll be using 64bit Win7 and expect it to see and use the 6gb fine.  We'll know soon.

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