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Mac OSX TrueEarth GB South Install time

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I just purchased TrueEarth GB South and as Im on a Mac and there is no FTX Central yet, I used the included script to convert the files. 

The script has now been running for 48 hours and is still going. This cant be correct can it? Can anyone advise please?


Each file seems to take 18 to 30 seconds to convert which seems to be the problem as there are 15,000 ++ of them. What is wrong here?


Macbook Pro. 3Ghz Intel Core i7. 8gb RAM







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Hang on in there. I am a newbie and did the same thing. I cancelled my download thinking that I did something wrong but same thing happened at the second attempt. in the end it took around 60 hrs. My mac is about the same spec as yours. It would be helpful if there was some sort of progress bar. The end result is well worth the wait.




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If you take a look in the Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos folder & textures sub folder you can see how far it has got in converting jpeg files to dds. As long as they are still converting then you're OK. 


Mine took a couple of days for South, but they did convert faster than 15 to 30 seconds on my iMac. There are 11,876 files to do, but it will work eventually.


And just be thankful you've not got North - it has nearly 14,000 files to convert!

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