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Mark Hansen

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Hello everyone.  I he a simple question regarding FSX vs FSX SE.  What is the process for Switching from FSX to FSX SE.  I have already downloaded lots of pacific Northwest stuff for FSX.  My PC is in the shop now and will need to reinstall EVERYTHING.  FSX, planes, scenery etc.  Because I this, I'm thinking about moving to FSX Steam edition.  What does this mean for all of the scenery add ons I have purchased?  Will I need to buy them again for the Steam Edition?  Because there are two versions, I assume the FSX will not work on the Steam, is this correct?


I just saw the Cushman field and I'm interested in getting that because I understand its near the Emma field I flew in and out of when I was flying a lot with FS 2002.  I'm a little heasitant to get it because of the version I may need to get.  I'm still waiting for my new PC to get back out of the shop to rebuild everything and if FSX works, I may use that one or if the flying club I'm thinking about joining recommends FSX SE, I may go that way.  I just don't know yet.


Can anyone provide some insight.


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