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Beware!!! Bigpond Stability Profiler


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With all respect the biggest con by an official ISP.

I have been having dropouts and problems with my ADSL2 20000/1000 as they call it , called service several times and eventually someone from BigPond said, "have you been asked about Stability Profiler?"  no,,,what is it, "Oh it makes your connection more stable ,,...and it may reduce your speed but ...you will not notice it..."

well do you want it....yes thankyou...it will be on in 4 hours, power off/on you modem and report back in 24 hours"

after power ooff/on after 4 hours I open TS#  says update available...ok...the speed was 20k...mmmm...

test the inet speed ...mmm I am getting same download as UPLOAD!!!!!!!!! speed...

well call back and say "this is a trick , for people that only ises inet for surfing may be OK but I pay top money for speed/bandwith and you are not providing it...I do not want this SW I want the line fixed.

ok, sorry sir you have to wait until 24 hours elapse for us to escalate this problem, please call back...thankyou...anything else we can help you with???

well i am downloading  PNW at 170KB 4h 2 min elapsed 44% waiting for the 24 hours gap...

regards  Jorge

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Get them to do a line check Jorge ...

I had similar problems with dropouts and escalated it ..

the answer was "You really shouldn't have those voltages on your line ...."

They fixed it .. and two weeks later my ADSL modem blew up.

Almost exactly the same thing happened with the ADSL modem at work (which Telstra replaced) ... high line voltages ... dead modem.

Haven't tried "Stability Profiler" ... sounds like a simple speed limiting app.

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IMHO The Telstra ie Big Swamp techs in the main are about a bright as a candle in a grease tin, I was on the phone for about 2 hrs getting information on how to cure a problem (related to IP forwarding that I had resolved in less than 10 mins ) but I wanted to prove to a customer that the so called network support from Bigpond is very limited. Essentially if you don't use Outlook, IE, Windows and very BASIC networking they have no clue.

Also NEVER run ANY Third party Software to manage your connection NEVER, these are prime targets for trojans to spy on your system. I had a Big pond representative actually ask me if I wanted to maintain my ADSL connection as they had not received any heartbeat signal in Canberra from my connection in 12 months, my reply " Oh that's because I have a Firewall the actually works and any out bound communication has to be approved."

A word of warning to anyone setting up a new ISP too NEVER use their CD to do so .

1 It is un-necessary

2 Potential for the ISP's own spyware to be installed with out your knowledge

3 This might limit you home networking later.

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Yeah, thankyou  but the BPond guys made me test the DL speed and found it was 201KBytes, the person said that was within the average of 101 and 2500KBs so sent me away without any thing else, (I pay for 20000/1000 Kbs) .I said thankyou and cancelled my BigPond and telephone line....may be out of the air for a while but ...not giving them my money anymore.

I am sick of the mob....

regards  Jorge

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Interestingly enough, I contacted iinet and asked for a 20000/1000 adsl2 + conections and they say OK will test your line and advise, ...I just got a reply email saying that unfortunately my phone line would not support 20000kbps speeds and they offered 8000kbps instead (of course at a reduced price)  10 points for honesty and another nail in the BigPond coffin....

.regards  Jorge...

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