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Just not big enuff!


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I been downloading PNW and for the first time, Windows alerted me that I had less than 130mb of disk space left on my C drive.

I have a 160gb Intel G2 SSD. Sounds pretty impressive and for all intensive purposes, one of the best drives on the market, but I find myself constantly running out of disk space.

Before the SSD I had oddles of room with my 1.5Tb Seagate drive. I never ran out of space.

But add FSX, FTX and all of the goodies that a neurotic simmer needs (plus I have a lot of my graphics for painting and such) and the disk shrinks dramatically.

So, for all of those people contemplating spending a good portion of money on an SSD for FSX think twice about small size drives. I'm personally hanging for the next iteration of the Intel drive which should be a 320Gb model, which might just fit most of my requirements,


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Guest cirrusnature

Thanks for the advice. I've been thinking about splashing out on the Intel SSD all weekend. What's worse is that the only one I can afford is the 80gb version. I have planned on dedicating the entire drive to FSX & using my 500Gb Seagate as the primary drive but with all these superb addons space will certainly become an issue sooner than later. BTW could you describe how FSX performs on SSD as oppose to a normal HDD. Cheers!

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No worries, mate.

As myself and Heiko will also attest, these drives are simply the best on the market.

As long as you don't think miracles, in many areas, they are like greased lightning.

My load times in FSX are in seconds compared to up to a minute with my older SATA drives.

I run triple head 2 go on 3 x 24" monitors, and my textures never stutter.

My only upgrade from here will be another Intel drive, probably the 320GB when it's released.

Oh, and to add to my earlier disk problem, I discovered a video I'd taken in FSX of the mustang.

It was 45GB!!!

Needless to say, I deleted it and recovered that disk space, but you do have to be mindful of the limited space on your main drive.


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Putting the OS on the SSD should be your first priority, it makes far, far more difference to the way the computer "feels" than just loading FSX onto it. Load times for FSX will obviously be shorter, but that's about it, and spending $400 on getting flights to load in twenty seconds instead of one minute is not good value for money. I loaded FSX onto my Falcon II 64GB after first installing Windows and apps but cleared it off, I figure the space could be better utilised by other more-worthy programs. By all means chuck FSX on there if you want but not at the expense of your OS and generally-used apps such as your web browser.


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Having the OS on a SSD will be a quicker boot time yes but overall performance no.

Any speed gain is directly related to the User profile and temp files being on a SSD.

A significant performance gain can be had once the OS is segregated from any other programing and installed applications especially when the OS Pagefile and Common files and user profile are placed on a SSD away from the OS. Everything else if run from a SSD is going to be significantly better simply because user data contained in the user profile (Docs and Settings in XP) is on an SSD moreover  FSX will benefit greatly by having the OS Pagefile and Common files on a SSD totally separate from the OS and being run on an SSD because it can read the textures much faster , this of course relies on the GPU being able to handle data at the same rate otherwise it doesn't matter how bloody fast your drives are if the GPU isn't up to the task.

At the end of the day a $1000 machine properly tweaked and maintained will beat the pants off a $2500 PC with the bells and whistles and a default setup Winslows loves to use.

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Seems to me you are wasting disk space by hoarding to much stuff that you will probably never use again.

I have a 320 gig SSD partitioned more or less in half. One half holds windows 7 and Office and everything that has nothing to do with flight. It is a bit over half full.

The other half holds FSX and all the extras and uses just under 30 gigs.

I also have a 300 gig Velocitaptor that I laughingly call my backup drive

This setup is lightning fast. From a cold start 'till my home page is loaded, 25 seconds. Then another 25 seconds and FSX is loaded.

Regardless of the price I will never go back to a painfully slow drisk again.


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"Seems to me you are wasting disk space by hoarding to much stuff that you will probably never use again".

Not sure who you are referring to here, Jack.

If you are talking to me, my drive is an FSX/FTX only drive. I don't have any other apps (apart from Photoshop and DXTBmp that I use for painting) or rubbish that I don't use on it, I leave everything else on my esata attached 1.5Tb Seagate drive.

I'm running Win7 64 bit Ultimate and I have seriously never seen another computer as fast as this (not bragging, just being honest).

It's stable, reliable, and will serve my purposes until the next generation of technology arrives later this year,


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