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p3d 4.5 GPS approach identifier data problem

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After updating p3d to v4.5 I noticed a problem with the GPS approach selection site when using Orbx GErmany North and South. The approach names dont show on the selection site with the correct identifiers. For example at EDDP I get a list of ILS, GPS and RNAV but no runway indication. Happens just with ORBX GEN and GES so far. Whith out the ORBX entrys in the scenery.cfg every thing works as expected. Any sugestions to fix that?

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Done some test now. Reinstalled everything from orbx. Just ORBX Region Germany North seems too cause trouble. Disabled it for now and keep flying. Can anyone just try to select EDDP in the default GPS (others had the same issues for me) as airport and try to select an approach for EDDP please to confirm it is a bug? Aircraft location does not matter when you load the approach. Causes even CTD from time to time as I vent to some testing.

First bug I had in v4.5 other then that it runs smooth an stable. I updated content, client and scenery.

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