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WD Velociraptors Vs SSD

Guest boeingqa

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Guest boeingqa

guys looking at getting 2 HD`s 1 for OS and a few games and the Velociraptor for FSX could someone tell

me if there was a big difference in performance from 1 or 2 velociraptors in raid could be as good as 1 OCz

vertex turbo 120gig.

If its not that much l might buy 2 WD velociraptors and but them in raid.

Any help on this would go along way



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Guest boeingqa

Thats great, l have the money but wasnt too sure if VR would be just as good.

Thanks for that. Just wondering what to go for. looking at the OCz vertex turbo 120gig for fsx.

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Guest J van E

I bought an SSD about two months ago and I will never ever buy a 'normal' hard disk again. It's fast and it stays fast. The fact alone that you never have to defrag again is worth it. ;) (Now I never was a big defragging fan, but some people seem to spend hours and hours defragging their drives: you can forget about that with an SSD!)

However, you might want to check out the Intel Postville SSD's: they support TRIM (which OS do you use btw?) and I doubt of that OCz one does. If it doesn't that means you have to run a program once in a while to get the SSD back up to speed: without TRIM they lose speed due to the way they work (don't ask me how: it's complicated). I have an Intel Postville SSD and Windows 7 is just as snappy and quick as it was the day I installed it.

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Guest boeingqa

Not sure which way to go, Intel or OCz. couldnt see anything with the OCz vertex turbo 2 yet wish it was sata 3 hehe

but what are the prices for the Intel Postville are they the same with read and write?

Thanks guys


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