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Even FTX Global has caused me significant stutters


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Firstly, I genuinely apologise that most of my posts here to this point reference performance issues. I acknowledge that my system being 9 years old is going to have trouble with many if not most add-ons and that is actually why I have asked so many questions - so as to be as informed as possible.


But I have been chasing a specific stuttering issue with an otherwise plain vanilla out of the box (with all patches) FSX - with the only add-ons being an A2A aircraft (which I have confirmed is not the issue as the stutter happens even in the stock Cessna 172) and ORBX Global. Yes, I have also bought ORBX PNW and Darrington but for this troubleshooting exercise I have them temporarily disabled - so I am only flying with the Global textures so to speak.


Anyway, the test flight I have been doing over and over again to test this severe stuttering issue is a fairly short flight from YSCN to YSSY. I have done this flight about 40 times this week, changing any and all settings I can possibly think of in order to reduce the stuttering. But basically this stutter effectively chops off around 60 - 70% of the performance. And it even happens out in the "countryside" near YSCN, but to nowhere near that 60% extent - maybe only about 20% out there.


So after literally turning most of the sliders down to minimums and even disabling all antialiaising and anisotrpoic filtering (to reduce any load on my GPU), it made zero difference to this suttering. It is just as bad as when I have my sliders in their normal positions. Even totally disabling AI traffic, airport vehicles, etc only helped a small amount - certainly nowhere near enough to be happy with.


Today, in a final act of desperation I tried disabling the first of my scenery library entries - those being for the ORBX library. Not expecting any differences whatsoever, I was amazed that the suttering all went away 100%. And this was the case all throughout today when I made 7 more test flights. And then re-enabling the library brought the stuttering right back.


Now I am trying to work out why enablign and disabling the libraries causes this issue. My understanding is that this add-on is one ORBX add-on that should barely effect performance at all, since it is mostly just a texture replacement. Now I have bought a brand new graphics card today (to update my 8 year old GTX580 to an RTX2060). And I will try again with that new GPU to see if it resolves the issue.


But can anyone think of why simply having that ORBX library activated versus turned off could cause such a dramatic stuttering issue? Could it be the RAM on my video card, for example? I realise that my old machine is just that - old - but even a Core i7 970 shoudl have no problems running this sort of add-on over an otherwise stock version of FSX.


One other thing I should add: I can fly around the superb ORBX Darrington airport add-on - with every ORBX product I have enabled including PNW and the libraries....and so long as I just fly around Darrington and do not leave the area (say just flying around the town doing touch and goes), performance is fine  any stutters are very mild and easily tolerated! Mind you, I obviously have to disable most of the eye candy, but that is fine - I can just turn it on again down the track when I finally build a new machine. This stuttering always (and only) manifests itself when I travelling point to point more than about 4 or 5 miles. It does not happen if I remain within a small area - typically the size of a small ORBX airfield, for example.



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