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My new Bird Dog at Tamworth


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Bought the Sibwings L-19 Bird Dog today in anticipation to use it at PNW (very soon now).

Here's my first flight, a Touch-n-Go at Tamworth:


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It flies very nicely and it is stable, but I am having trouble landing as more often than not I stall too early after crossing the fence, when at about 9 ft altitude. Also find a strong tendency to yaw upon short landing. Have to improve my landings on this bird.

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I heard that this bird likes a pretty good speed on final which is why it's not well suited for STOL. Nice pics.

Probably right. With those big flaps when on full I figured it would land at under 50kts. Maybe not.

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I had not noticed your note about landing issues.

Based on that last screenshot, I also tend to agree you are approaching too slow. Read several reports that this Dog likes 70 mph in final. I don't own it myself, but I would concur that your problem is most likely your too low speed.

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Nice pics and congrats to the purchase!

I heard that this bird likes a pretty good speed on final which is why it's not well suited for STOL. Nice pics.

That may be true when you try that with a normal glide slope, but STOL requires a much more steep approach. With full flaps you can drop in on a landing site almost vertically. It doesn't get much shorter than that. The Bird Dog was used as a scout aircraft in Vietnam because of its great STOL capabilities, among other things. I could fix up a little video showing that, if you like. ;)

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I'm curious about the Sibwings Bird Dog, but I'm sort of holding back because it apparently hasn't got proper spin and stall characteristics.

I've got the A2A Cub and the Carenado Cessna taildragger, and I'm wondering if I should stick with those as this one's pretty but note very accurate?

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I'm curious about the Sibwings Bird Dog, but I'm sort of holding back because it apparently hasn't got proper spin and stall characteristics.

That is true, sadly. SibWings argue that they didn't put any effort into these maneuvers, because the Bird Dog wasn't cleared for intentional stalls, let alone spins, anyway. I don't think that's a valid reason to neglect these aspects of flight. But I must also say that the Bird Dog handles pretty well inside its normal and approved flight envelope, which has been confirmed by real Bird Dog pilots. Well, you decide how important those shortcomings are for you. I, for one, usually don't spin and stall my aircraft (except when I fly with PaulĀ  ;D ), so that wasn't a deal breaker for me. I certainly don't regret my purchase.

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