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In keeping with this thread and ATC and Pilot Calls. At a Non Towered Aerodrome "CTAF"  Common Traffic Advisary Frequency Rules would apply. You might hear a Call like this :-

" All Stations Jindabyne,  Sierra Romeo Sierra  - A Cessna 182RG is approximately ONE ZERO Nautical Miles to the Northwest of the Field - Inbound - To overfly the field joining Late Downwind for Runway 28 - Full Stop. "

There is quite a lot of information said it is pretty standard for a 10 Nm inbound call.

1 The Locallity refered to is Jindabyne Aerodrome so somewhere within a 10 Nm radius is where this Aircraft is

2 The Registration is VH-SRS a 182 RG

3 They are inbound to Land.

4 They will be passing overhead the field at 1500 AGL 500 Ft above Circuit Height for GA Aircraft to Join Late downwind.

Info Gained but not said are

1 Time frames a 182 RG cruises at around 115 Kts dependent on load and trim so given the call I'd expect to see the Aircraft Overhead in about 4-5 Mins.

2 The Pilot is aware of the wind from a westerly direction hence the use of runway 28.

Why make a call like this ?

First and primary reason is Safety , the second is it is simply good Airmanship to advise other's where you are and your intentions are. 

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CTAF procedures were changed with the introduction of NAS in 2005 (see http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/aviation/airspace_reform/nas2c.aspx)

Basically MBZ's were removed and CTAF calls/boundaries amended.

Heres an example of the current calls: "Jindabyne traffic, Cessna 182, Sierra Sierra Romeo, is 1 0 nautical miles to the northwest inbound on descent through 3700, Jindabyne."

But as long as the other guy knows where you are ;)

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In keeping with this thread and ATC and Pilot Calls. At a Non Towered Aerodrome "CTAF"  Common Traffic Advisary Frequency Rules would apply. You might hear a Call like this :-

Info Gained but not said are

1 Time frames a 182 RG cruises at around 115 Kts dependent on load and trim so given the call I'd expect to see the Aircraft Overhead in about 4-5 Mins.

Hey mate, 182 RG's cruise at at LEAST 130Kts if your heavy as but i suppose inbound you could slow up to 115kts because you can chuck down gears and 10 degrees of flap below 140kts, better airmanship for slower aircraft

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I know I was being conservative as the 182 RG I fly from time to time will easily do 140 Straight and level, but it has been greased ( Term for repeated spraying with spray putty and sanding so the outside skin is dead smooth, even with 12Kg + extra in paint and clear the fuel conservation is worth it due to the lack of drag) 

Your right you should start slowing down either as you start your cruise decent or even a bit before so you aren't rushed and do things like drop the Dunlops or flaps at speed. for me it comes back to good airmanship in looking after the Aircraft

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These are definately the types of conversations we should be having more of in this pilot's lounge.  Brilliant for us budding RW pilots and sim pilots alike.

Thanks a lot guys for posting these tidbits.


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I have all of the DAP Plates, Check lists and ERSA's integrated within my Kneeboard along with my whizzwheel and VATSIM Planning tools,  works rather well.  even if a bit weighty at around 1.2 Gb or so.

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I have all of the DAP Plates, Check lists and ERSA's integrated within my Kneeboard along with my whizzwheel and VATSIM Planning tools,  works rather well.  even if a bit weighty at around 1.2 Gb or so.

That's an awesome idea. I bought DAP East from AsA for online flying/controlling and recently had to renew the amendment service. Since i missed the last update in between renewing it I had to get them to send it out. They charged an extra 18$ for 1 update! Ended up costing 64$ for 12 months of amendments. The original complete thing only cost $91 with a binder+12 month amendment service  :(.

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