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ORBX True Earth Great Britain South for P3D v4

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I have just purchased ORBX True Earth Great Britain South for P3D v4, but have a problem with the download.  My "C" Drive, which is 500Gb SSD, lists" Space free": 133GB. but the window on FTX Central v says there is not enough space to install True Earth Great Britain South. "Your simulator drive (C) requires 56.91 GB free. It currently has 33.51 GB. I am at a loss to know what to do. Can someone help please?

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Make sure to point the temp install directory from FTX central to a drive which is large enough... start FTX central and settings ;-)

With large enough that is can hold the temp files and with the same drive also the installed files...

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Thank you so much for your reply Andre. The  FTX central settings were directed to my C drive, which had 133 GB free. However I  have now uninstalled some other stuff which has allowed the download to proceed. I have never before had any such problem  downloading any ORBX, or other add-on products.  However I have now decided to get an additional 500GB SSD and have this exclusively for the P3D v4 sim plus add-ons.

Many thanks again.

Kind regards


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