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My Head hurts

Greg Rottinger

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Up sh%t creek at the moment. My hard drive decided to throw up a blue screen with a stop code c0000218. I know its a registry failure. I have a backup of FSX on another drive but I still have heaps of stuff I need to get off the drive. Rang Dell and they said it would be unrecoverable - Bullsh$t!. So I managed to get the dos prompt up and remove some registry files and copy some repair files to c:\windows\system32. Only problem is now when I try to repair XP using the original disk it stalls at 35% (loading devices).

I hope at least I can recover the data files I need. I am off to get a new HDD today and do a fresh install of XP then slave to old HDD to see if it can be read. Cross your fingers!  :'(

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O&O DiskRecovery or Sysrescue is most likely your best best, now before you screw around with the Drive any more, just what is the problem? Is it the OS that has failed or has the drive itself started to not respond.

In either case I think I would move the drive to another working PC where you can run O&O Disk Recovery .

I know I harp about it but protecting yourself from this sort of dilemma is very easy today and just another reason why ANY PC I build has no less than 2 physical drives and the OS is by itself on "C:\".

As a side note for the cost of them 2 or three decent sized HDD's properly partitioned will save you many hours of hair pulling in the future.

In addition to this the small cost of quality management and backup software in the event of problems will pay you back many fold.

Things like Akronis or GHOST and O&O System Tools Package might seem a little extravagant but will save you time and PC service bills .

, From what I have heard some of the techo's at dell can't even wipe their backsides.

PS I see Jorge has used Sysrescue before.

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Just a quick update for those that are interested. Got a new 1TB drive and reinstalled the OS. Put the old drive in and I could recover all my files off the old drive. Lucky I had FSX backed up on another HDD so it was easy to just install a new FSX on the new drive, delete the files then move my old FSX to that location. All is good now. Just have to setup the network and get back in the air so I can run REX weather engine, Plan-G and TS on the laptop.

A bit happier now.  ;D

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Greg you have just discovered by yourself to a degree just how easy it is if you take the right steps to recover your existing data, there is no way I would use a 1Tb drive as my 1st physical HDD though.

It is good to hear that you have recovered all OK and it shows how you can.

BUT you can rearrange your system by using an imaging program and placeing your OS back on your original drive should you wish.

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It was relatively easy Mozz and I am glad I did some backing up before the problem occurred. Really saved my bacon. I must admit its the first time ever that one of my PCs have had any major problems that have scared me with data recovery. I have it backed up now. I have noticed how many times you have mentioned to backup and its quite true that not many people do. You may be like me and not get a problem for 10 years - but you just might get one tomorrow! Thanks for all your help.

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You may be like me and not get a problem for 10 years - but you just might get one tomorrow!

Exactly my point.

I could get hit by a Bus tomorrow but if I haven't go Ambo cover I might not make the grade, running your PC is no different IMHO it's just software insurance.

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