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Sound Problems


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For a while now, actually probably for as long as having this PC (self built 1+ years ago) my sound in FSX has always beena bit odd.

My PC spec is in my signature area below and I have a 5.1 speak system.

Thing is when I start a flight in FSX the engine sound can normally be heard through the rear speakers, however most of the time and for most aircraft the sound can be heard to switch off from the rear speaker and only comes through the front speakers, although the ATC still comes through the rear speakers as well as the fronts. Until recently the ATC would also only come through the front speakers.

Now I got used to this having checked my sound card software to make sure it was set correctly i.e. as a 5.1 surround sound system. Weird thing is, tonight whilst flying the new Carenado 185 I actually heard an almost low rumbling sound, so not being sure if this was coming fromt FSX or elsewhere I pressed Q to temporarly disable the game sound - all quiet. I turned the game sound back on and I'm not sure if it was imediate ot not but the rear speakers kicked back in. Great. However, when I landed as soon as my wheels touched the ground the rear speakers went off again -almost as if the sound of the tyre on the ground switched the rear speakers off again.

Anyway, this all a bit odd but the sound has always been a bit hit and miss in this respect - any ideas as to the cause and possible fix to get surround sound permanently on as I believe it should be?  :-\

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Firstly what sound Card do you have , I am hoping that it isn't Realtek AC series On board as they are basically crap for gaming , Great for music but crap for gaming because the Realtek sound engine doesn,t know how to interperit surround encoding that well

BUT that be as it may you need to set the surround sound and speaker settings MANUALLY and make sure they stay put because this I believe is why the speakers turn on and off lack of encoding tracking hence the Auto cannot decide what it should be doing.

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Blitzer, I have exactly the same problem. My spec below. This has been annoying me to no end and have been trying everything to even plugging back into onboard sound. Just when I think I have it sorted rear speakers cut out again. When I built my machine the sound card was the only part I didn't research. I thought that with  a $180 card I wouldn't have any problems. Ya live and learn eh! I have been hearing around the traps Creative can't get their drivers correct.

Will be interested to hear what others have to say.


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Firstly what sound Card do you have , I am hoping that it isn't Realtek AC series On board as they are basically crap for gaming , Great for music but crap for gaming because the Realtek sound engine doesn,t know how to interperit surround encoding that well

BUT that be as it may you need to set the surround sound and speaker settings MANUALLY and make sure they stay put because this I believe is why the speakers turn on and off lack of encoding tracking hence the Auto cannot decide what it should be doing.

Sound card is in my signature, but the full name/title of it being...

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium - Fatal1ty Professional Series 7.1 Sound Card (70SB088600000)

Same as Lynchee's it would seem.

Connects via PCI Express slot, I got is partly for this reason thinking it would be best to be using the latest fastest method and like Lynchee expected (rather foolishly it seems) that given it's price and manufacture that it should have been a reasonably safe choice. I will look at the sound setting again, although I did this fairly recently and thought it was set as you suggest...

Right have just looked again, and have now set via the Audio Control panel the setting for "X-Fi CMSS-3D" from...

  • Stereo Upmix Mode = Stereo Surround
  • Upmix = Auto

  • Stereo Upmix Mode = Stereo Surround
  • Upmix = On

About to go and test in a few mins to see if this makes any difference.  :)

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Get rid of the Upmix setting as this is an internal approximation and not a surround setting I think you'll find.

I run mind as 5.1 Channel frond and rear stereo, only in this way I don't get strange audio artifacts occuring.

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Get rid of the Upmix setting as this is an internal approximation and not a surround setting I think you'll find.

I run mind as 5.1 Channel frond and rear stereo, only in this way I don't get strange audio artifacts occuring.

Right, I ended up doing other stuff so did not actually get round to trying the changes I made - have instead opted to do just as you said before testing - will report back very soon.  ;)

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Get rid of the Upmix setting as this is an internal approximation and not a surround setting I think you'll find.

I run mind as 5.1 Channel frond and rear stereo, only in this way I don't get strange audio artifacts occuring.

Right I disabled that feature, but still only had sounds coming through the front and middle speaker only. Went back to the settings and turned the feature back on and went with my settings I was going to try previously. Exactly the same as yesterday, suddenly I had sound from the rear speakers, and as soon as I touched down the speakers stopped working in FSX. Again nothing seems to be donig any good to make the sounds return. I get sound from the rear speakers fomr the desktop with no problems - all working as expected.

I did even start looking at alternative sound cards altogether (Asus ones) they were getting good reviews by customers who had purchased them and I was frequently seeing comments about the X-Fi with regards to poor driver support from Creative. Tempting to call it a day with the X-Fi and invest in something else, although spending money is not something I should relaly be doing ATM.  :-\

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Blitzer, I have exactly the same problem. My spec below. This has been annoying me to no end and have been trying everything to even plugging back into onboard sound. Just when I think I have it sorted rear speakers cut out again. When I built my machine the sound card was the only part I didn't research. I thought that with  a $180 card I wouldn't have any problems. Ya live and learn eh! I have been hearing around the traps Creative can't get their drivers correct.

Will be interested to hear what others have to say.



Can you try something for me please?

I seem to have made some progress and can now seem to get sound from the rear speakers. Weirdly the rear speakers still seem to switch out when you land, but with my current settings I'm now finding that pressing Q in FSX to disable/turn off the game sound and then pressing it again causes the rear speakers to play sound again...

  • Go to Control panel - hardware and sound - manage sound devices.
  • Make sure you're on the playback tab and select your speaker.
  • Click on properties.
  • Select the Sound Blaster tab.
  • Click the settings button.
  • Select the X-Fi CMSS-3D Tab
  • Make sure "Enable X-Fi CMSS-3D" is ticked.
  • Click on the X-Fi CMSS-3D surrond button.
  • Set Upmix mode to stereo surround.
  • Set to On
  • Apply and close any of the sound settings windows.
  • Try FSX, you may need to take off and turn the sound off and then on again.

Not saying this will work for you as it seem hit and miss here, just tried it again and it no longer works. Doh. :(

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Either of you fellas open to the idea of a remote log in session to look at the sound setup on your PC's . Based on the info your providing it seems though the sound error might be related to the sound config for that aircraft . Does it replicate for other craft ?

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Either of you fellas open to the idea of a remote log in session to look at the sound setup on your PC's . Based on the info your providing it seems though the sound error might be related to the sound config for that aircraft . Does it replicate for other craft ?

Well I find that I ony get sounds from the front speakers with most aircraft. For some like the PMDG the sound seems to be fine and comes through all speakers. I don't recall having any problems with sound in other games, well at least not with the rear speakers suddenly stop sound.

My feeling is the Creative drivers are not that good - as per reports I've read with regards to other people having purchase alternative cards having been disappointed with the X-Fi cards and switched to other brands entirely. Like those report I read I have at times experienced badly distorted sounds (in FSX), i.e. lots of crackling. That and something in the way that FSX is handling sound in the game, very weird for example how the rear speakers will seeming switch off when I land (if they are actually working in the first place), almost as if there are not enough sound channels in FSX, so when the sound of the tyres on tarmac is played that it uses the channels previously being used to drive the rear speakers.

With regards to planes like the J41 seeming to work just fine I do wonder if that is because they might be using some sound channels of their own - don't ask me how I have not got a clue how this maybe done, but I'm thinking along the lines of accusim, where certain features and functions are effectively being generated separately to the game?

Obviously I'm cautious about letting anyone have remoted access to my PC, and although I don't know you personally that well you I would be happy to allow you access due to your reputation (goo that is lol) on the forum. Might just be an issue of us both being online at a workable time for both of us given the time zone difference.  ;)

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What OS are you running there , I'll see what I can find out regarding possible driver issues.

Hi Maurice,

I'm running Win7 Ultimate 64bit.

The main spec of my machine are in my sig. for reference.

Currently have driver version 2.17.7 for the sound card, I am being offered updated software for the sound card via the Create auto-updater software, but no new driver apparently. Checking via their website this is still the currently available driver.

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I am going to make myself VERY unpopular here but for gods sake disable ANY and ALL updaters on your PC  , they WILL cause far more problems than they attempt to solve.

Now as for the Driver issue with xFi I don't know if Creative Labs actually have a truely stable driver for W764 as yet 

I'll look into this but have you tried to run the XP driver's in Compatability mode.

Given what you were saying about other sounds I think the glitch might be in either FSX or the Aircraft sounds abd the way they are employed.

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I am going to make myself VERY unpopular here but for gods sake disable ANY and ALL updaters on your PC  , they WILL cause far more problems than they attempt to solve.

Now as for the Driver issue with xFi I don't know if Creative Labs actually have a truely stable driver for W764 as yet 

I'll look into this but have you tried to run the XP driver's in Compatability mode.

Given what you were saying about other sounds I think the glitch might be in either FSX or the Aircraft sounds abd the way they are employed.

Haha, nah you're comments about updaters does not make you unpopular with me. I never let Windows or any software actually do as it pleases and download and install updates for me. At most I will allow them to tell me there are updates available, but never allow them to be automatically installed. In fact if possible I tend to not install software at all unless it's something I really want to use, likewise I don't like things that start-up with windows, if I want something to run I'll run it.

TBH, the impression I got about X-Fi driver in gerneral was that they left a lot to be desired and I'm inclined to agree that certainly in part the way in which FSX handles sounds would seem to have a bearing on what is happening. It's my gut feeling that the combination of flakey drivers and flakey FSX is what's behind the sound issues. My inclination for now is possibly to leave well alone, I've become quite used to front speaker sound only and as I said previously it may be something for me to consider in future and replace the sound card and be done with it, perhaps when I next come to upgrade. Not really cost effective, but I tend to believe that sometimes it's best to move on and done with.

I have a few issues with FSX ATM it seems, the sound is but one of them and possibly one of the less annoying. AI aircraft that is 90% invisible, corrupt graphics when using the menus after a longer flight, FSX crashing when I use the direct-to waypoint. Just been having  abit of a spate at trying to identify the cause of these problems lately - not really been successful so far TBH but ruling out some possibilities at least.  ;)

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Hi guys,

I've tried all settings known to man and when I think I have it sorted out go the rear speakers.  I have since plugged my speakers back into the on board sound (realtec HD 7.1) and after mucking around finally think I have it sorted.  After a couple of hours and all planes tested no probs.  Music doesn't sound as full and clear as with the Creative card but I can live with that.  I think I will continue using the on board sound untill a better driver comes along or I get the sh... and buy something else.  Thanks for your help Maurice and Blitzer.


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I've tried all settings known to man and when I think I have it sorted out go the rear speakers.  I have since plugged my speakers back into the on board sound (realtec HD 7.1) and after mucking around finally think I have it sorted.  After a couple of hours and all planes tested no probs.  Music doesn't sound as full and clear as with the Creative card but I can live with that.  I think I will continue using the on board sound untill a better driver comes along or I get the sh... and buy something else.  Thanks for your help Maurice and Blitzer.

Without wanting to sound like a stuck record I really do think this problem is largely down to the X-Fi drivers. I never bothered with the on-board sound and don't really think I'll bother giving it a try. I'll probably just make do with the X-Fi for now and possibly relace it at a later date, preferably when I'm back in work.  ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hay Blitzer,

Just thought you might be interested in an update.  With my last post in this thread I thought I had solved my problems, turned out I hadn't.  Struth what to do.  I had been planning on buying a new 5.1 Digital setup for a while and so I did about 2 weeks ago.  I bought the Logitech Z5500 Digital 5.1 setup.  Attached it to the X-Fi via an optical cable,  Wow  :o, sound is freaking unreal,  and the best part there is definitely no more problems with rear speakers dropping out.  Setting up is all to easy via the included remote control.  The planes have never sounded so good. So maybe our problems are of an analog nature.


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Something to check.  Do you have the Creative Alchemy Application installed? It is a separate download from the drivers.  Here is what it says in the description: 

File Name : ALMY_PCVTAPP_LB_1_41_02.exe

This download is an application for use with Creative audio products. It restores 3D audio and EAX® effects for certain DirectSound®3D games in Microsoft® Windows® 7 and Windows Vista®. For more details, read the rest of this web release note.


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Hay Blitzer,

. So maybe our problems are of an analog nature.


Hi Lynchie,

Many thanks for the update, I will have to look closer at my set-up and see if it's possible for me to try the optical/digital route. Not about to buy a new speaker system though, quite happy in that respect - much more likely to replace the sound card.  ;)

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Something to check.  Do you have the Creative Alchemy Application installed? It is a separate download from the drivers.  Here is what it says in the description: 

File Name : ALMY_PCVTAPP_LB_1_41_02.exe

This download is an application for use with Creative audio products. It restores 3D audio and EAX® effects for certain DirectSound®3D games in Microsoft® Windows® 7 and Windows Vista®. For more details, read the rest of this web release note.


Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the heads-up on this, there does not seem to be any mention ot this having any bearing on FSX, although I may come back to it and look when I have a little more time to investigate. Thanks again.  ;)

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Hey Paul,

As a guess, are you using TrackIR?

Head movements can seriously effect FSX sound. when I pan around my cockpit, the sounds are pretty much compltely different, just turning my head angle 55 degrees!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Paul,

As a guess, are you using TrackIR?

Head movements can seriously effect FSX sound. when I pan around my cockpit, the sounds are pretty much compltely different, just turning my head angle 55 degrees!

No I don't have a TrackIR mate - but it is veyr much on the shopping list as it were.

I have cured the problem(s) associated with my sound card now though - see my next post...  ;)

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Well I seem to have cured this problem mainly due to fixing another problem that became apparent...

Quiet simply I have replaced my Creative X-Fi sound card with a Asus Xonar D2X 7.1 PCI-Express one. I was also experiencing BSOD's when flying the accu-simmed A2A P-47, reading the A2A forum seemed to suggest there are issues with the X-Fi and the P-47. I did some testing and had the same problem even if I removed the X-Fi and replaced with an older Audigy2 ZS sound card. With no sound card at all and then using the on-board sound there were no such problems. Anyway, given the problme reported in this thread and the issue with the P-47 I decided to take the plunge and get the Asus Xonar D2X, the P-47 now seems to work just fine and I'm getting sound through all speakers as I should expect.

Bottom line if you have a Creative Labs sound card and are suffering either of these issues then I recommend you ditch your Creative card and get an Asus one or give your on-board sound a try. HTH  :)

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