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EVGA GeForce GTX 280 Superclocked - Still a good option?


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I just stumbled upon a deal for an EVGA GeForce GTX 280 Superclocked. The prices have gone down since the 285 and now the 295 are out there.

Just wondering if it's still a solid choice, considering I could get it for a good discount over a 285.

Yes, I am almost giving up on my ATI for FSX. I am tired of all the little glitches. I just want to fly.

FYI, running on a i7 940, W7 64 bit Ultimate.

Use is almost only for FSX (or should I say FTX) and some occasional shooting in Call of Duty or similar.

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I have a 280 and am quite happy with it, but if I were in your position and had your hardware I think I would still be inclined to go for the 285. I should point out that this is not based on any techincal info because TBH I would not know how the specs compare, but going by other people on here with i920 processors and 285 GFX cards they seem to be a good combination. I guess it would really depend on how much a saving you could make, but unless it's an embarrasingly silly amount I think I would go for the 285 all the same - funds permitting of course.  ;)

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I hope they come out, that will mean 285's going down in price a bit.

I got my sights on GTX 285 2GB (EVGA) or an 1 gb OC 285 (BFG). a bit more than the stock 285 in prices (say about 70 CDN$) but tempting. I did found stock 285's (1 GB) at 380 CDN$.

Not in a real rush so I will keep monitoring (or I might find the magic cure for my 4870 X2)  ;D

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hey bud i got a gigabyte 285 and it very good ,but beware as there are cards that dont have the overvolting tool allowing for good overcloks.(like mine  :()

i bought said card and even though im happy id be happier to overclock (btw my card will allow me to oc the shader ,this makes very little difference

imho so make sure you get a higher end card with the overvolt tool  8) )

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