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Running two video cards

Orion Pilot

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Good evening guru's  ;D

I have completed a search through the forums and so far have found nothing relating to the possibility of running two video cards. So in advance I make a huge apology if this has been covered before ???

So my question is - would it be worth running two video card in a new system for FSX? I have asked a few different people regarding this - some of them gamers - some flightsim fans - and well I am now more confused than ever! ???

SO - can I ask for some clear advise - form the top crew in the business, in  relation to this.

...and just for the record - I am going to try and build this system for myself - so I can learn a bit more - cause basically I am a computer "not-know it-all" ;D

Thanks in advance for your advise


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Well it really depends on exactly what you want to achieve, the pure answer to your question is a resounding yes and in fact you could run 3 or 4 graphics cards in the one PC as long as you had available PCI slots . In the early days this was very demanding of CPU and was most likely the reason Wide FS was designed and written.

Where you may well run into problems is spanning the simulation image across the monitors unless you run something like SoftTH , You can however run multiple monitors using the Primary monitor on you main Graphics card as the Flight cockpit and the other's can be used for Mapping GPS and so on generally this will be in WINDOW'd mode though.

The SoftTH will allow running in full screen mode but you may loose the ability to have a moving map or GPS on another monitor using it.

I know a fellow who uses a TH2GO and DH2GO off his main GTX285 and two small touch screens off additional card so in all honesty I'd say that with careful planning anything is possible.


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Maurice is of course right, but, if on the other hand you are talking about running two cards in SLI, the answer is....Don't waste your money.

It has been discussed on this forum many times and it is not only not beneficial, it actually costs you frames.

FSX seems to run better on one card.

I had two 9800GTX's running in SLI and then someone told me I could get better frame frates with one, so I removed one and ....voila! They were right.

It ran smoother and better and it also gave me an extra card for my HTPC.


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