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Additional Monitor


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Just after some help.

I have a spare LCD monitor and was wanting to connect this to my pc for FSX.

I currently have two monitors already connected.  A Main Display for FSX, A touch screen which is used for a program called Simtouch which allows me to run autopilot settings, lights,instrument panels etc.  It would be good to connect the third to use for GPS etc.

The problem I have is that the only port availalbe on my video card is an S-Video port.  Is there a converter that anyone is aware of from S-Video to Standard VGA connection???

Assistance would be appreciated.



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If the now third monitor is for instrumentation Mapping etc don't muck about  go get a PCI Card that you can drop into  a spare PCI slot and this will do you fine .

There are Adapters and active converters around but thes are not that good and could cause a greater detriment to performance if drivers are needed.

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Yes quite a bit  A PIC slot is relatively simple as far as a slot goes to plug additional USB ports or eSATA Card etc  a PCIe Graphics slot is not only a different slot but is not compatable with regular PCI Cards and slots.

These links should explain it better than I



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Well,  I went down to my local computer shop today and they advised me that if I ran another PCI card on my machine I will still have difficulty in extending my display over the three screens.

They advised that I will have difficulty trying to find a PCI graphics card.  Well I beg to differ because I have seen them on other online stores and in ebay.

So do I just purchase the PCI card, plug it into a pci slot, install the driver and I should be fine???

Will I have a third monitor under my windows settings area???

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Well IMHO the store you went to is NOT up on gaming as much as they may profess because what they told you was complete BS Michael, just goes to show that they don't know 'eh .

You can find PCI graphics Cards  [ur=http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/105741/VIDEOCARDS_PCI/EVGA/512-P1-N724-LR.asp]GO HERE

Now as for spanning across the three screens, I posted in a similar thread regarding this and the answer is running SoftTH which is a software version of the TH2GO.

Hope this is of assistance to you.

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Thanks for your assistance mate.

I don't want to span the actual flight sim image over three screens, what I actually want to achieve here is to have my primary display for FSX, the secondary display is a touchscreen monitor using a program called sim touch and the new monitor, is to be used to view GPS/ATC etc on a separate screen.  I don't want to have the GPS clutter my main FSX screen.

I use FSX in windowed mode so I just want to be able to drag the windowed GPS and ATC windows to the third monitor.  I don't want to have three monitors directly for FSX cockpit view for instance.

Hope this makes sense.


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Hey Maurice,

One last question. 

I opened my PC case today and I have 1 PCI slot free and also a PCI-E2.0 slot free .  Boy they don't leave much space between do they!  If I were to install a PCI-E2.0 card they would be nearly touching I would say!

What I am planning to do is buy and Install a PCI graphics card.  Similar to the one on the link you provided to me. (budget is a bit tight but I think it would do the trick for what I am after)  I would use this to connect  my two secondary displays running GPS/Simtouch etc. 

I will use my GTX285 to run my primary FSX monitor.

On the top of your head is there any issues running a PCI Express card with a PCI card on a machine?

Would there be any conflicts with the drivers etc???

Cheers mate!

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I have run 3 cards in a PC and not had issues ideally they could be of different makes but PCI or PCIe the PC most likely couldn't give a toss.

Now when you right click on the desktop select "Properties" and then "Settings"  and in the little window you should see 4 monitors represented.

You can also move these around to indicate their actual location on or around your desk and your laughin'.

NB You will likely need to have a monitor plugged into the output socket for the card to show them in the above described window too.

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Hi Maurice

I purchased pci card today and put in my machine however the computer was recognising this as the primary graphics card. How do I change this as I need my other card to be the primary card ?

In doing this I somehow reset my machine back to stock cpu settings.  The overclocking has reset itself. 

As I have no idea on how to overclocking I will have to take back to the shop where I purchased my machine to perform.

Can you tell me of the specific fsx settings for overclocking, I know we need to switch hyperthreading off , but what else.

Sorry for being a pain, don't know how this has happened!


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