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Second Hard Drive

Greg Rottinger

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My brother just gave me another hard drive. Its a SATA 160GB 7200rpm. I have installed and its working fine. The main HDD is a SATA 500GB drive which is about half full now and is running all my FSX software and everything else. Just wondering if I will get any performance benefits in moving FSX to the 160GB HDD and using this drive just for FSX. My current FSX folders are about 43GB. PC specs are in my signature.


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Short answer is no.

Up to this point you only had on HDD in your PC !!! And your a Simmer !!!

You could move your OS to the 160 but this would involve a bit of work and not give you much except the ability to have an image of your OS that is easily restored if you have a failure.

Running you Programing and FSX from the 500 Gb would be as good as the 160 I should think it really depends on the cache and seek times .

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