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Slammed into the runway at KSEZ


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Bought KSEZ in the sale - brilliant!


I am trying to fly the QW Bae 146/Avro in there. I'm approaching on visual and over the threshold at about 20 feet the aircraft suddenly gets slammed into the runway as I'm trying to flare. 


Really odd.  I tried with a 172 and this does not happen.


If you go frame by frame on the vid it's as if the ground comes up quickly to meet the plane.


I just tested this with a fast GA plane coming in a over 140 kts.  About 50 yards from the runway I got the sound of touchdown but visually it was ok. I then came in at under 100 kts and it was fine.


What I did notice was that the PAPI light suddenly all go red even on a 3 degree glide slope - obviously very quickly making it look like I'm too low and then having to quickly pull up.


Any suggestions?





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