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Software to enhance flying, Orbx friendly?


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I am 110% Orbx fan. What other software would enhance realism, ie weather, sound etc? There is so many texture, mesh add on's software it can drive one daffy.  One can go blind reading what is what and by who. The reason why I am sticking close to Orbx is the quality and knowing what I am getting is top notch. That being said, I would like nicer trees, flying nap of the earth, so is a tree add on a good idea. I understand to keep frame rates reasonable, high polygone count on trees would kill FPS. Any ways, not wanting to have competitors products mentioned, but more akin to add on's friendly to Orbx and not competing with Orbx. I do not want to add anything that conflicts nor disagrees with Orbx. So Orbx friendly add ons that make everything that much better.  Flying nap of the earth in my soon to be had DoDo, and possably on line when I get better flying it. Maybe advance to the Vatsim world after a while. None the less, I, appreciate your true and trusted wisdom with this matter.

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My my Drums ....  You have a lot of questions.

My suggestion would be to set up your new computer with the OrbX products you own, and decide what it is that you feel it needs once you have it running to your satisfaction.

As you say, there are a bewildering array of things available of varying quality, and compatibility.

There is no obligation to have it all at once.  Set it up, and add to it later.

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Rex looks like an excellent product. Going to add that to my bag of FSX goodies. Part of the enjoyment with FSX is the building of knowledge and finding what can make it better. I enjoy the forum as much as the flying. (Flying on my AMD unit at present). plannin to have my brother in law over this summer to check out Orbx and the sim. He maintains and repairs Helicopters so I decided to get FSX as looking and working as`best posable. He may have seen plane Jane FSX, but I want to blow him away with the Orbx FSX. I figure every question, every add on, every good computer part (for the new unit) will achieve my lifetime goal of having a quality flight sim.  ;D  When I start looking at the software one can go broke buying ths and that. Figure you guys know a lot better than I with what it takes.

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