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Nvidia Shutter glasses vs 3d software and Old school red and Blue?


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Was looking at the 120hz 3D Monitors. The Nvidia shutter glasses cost $300.00 Canadian, the Old School red / blue $18.00. The monitor itself $300.00 Canadian. Triple head = A grand taxes`in. 3D Software that works in XP $50.00. I would think without trying any of it, the shutter glasses work better? Shutter glasses also need Vista or Win 7. No matter how the cake is cut, money is needed. The software route seems cheaper. any one try both? How are you liking 3D. Is it worth it? 

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Hi (again) drums ....

As I suggested elsewhere ... unless you have excess funds, build in pieces with an eye to the future.

If you think 3d might be in your future then by all means get a compatible 120Hx monitor.

As I replied elsewhere, TH2Go will probably never support 120Hz refresh required for 3D glasses.

You are not obliged to buy 3D glasses immediately ... get the things you need first.

(and careful not to wear out your new thread limit)

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