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nvidia drivers


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I have been using 195.81 happily. Then I saw there is 196.21. Downloaded and started the exe file, extracted fine but then I get a message that the setup cannot find compatible driver for the installed card!! tried going back to 195.81, I get same message. Any idea why it is reporting this?

i7-965, win7 64-bit ultimate, GTX280

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The 196.21 has a bug Quote  Nvidia’s latest Geforce drivers, now in version 196.21, might bring SLI and multi-GPU support to certain games but it seems to have brought another, somewhat unexpected gift from the company – disabled overclocking.

So, overclocking software such as RivaTuner V2.24C, EVGA Precision V1.9.0 and similar all had trouble in handling core, shader or memory clocks during overclocking.

Nvidia says that this is a bug that will be resolved in a timely fashion, but until then we’d advise overclockers to steer clear of the “new and improved†driver.

Posted: 1 day 41

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Thanks for the reply.

I am not using overclocking, nor software such as RivaTuner. Just straight install. What has me baffled is that I cannot even go back and install the 195.81, which I installed perfectly weeks back without getting the message I am now getting ???

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Fixed already :). In Device Manager, Display Adapter, chose Update Driver Software and directed the location to where the 196.21 had extracted previously. It found the new driver and installed it flawlessly.

Thanks for your responses guys.



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I can't stress enough that you cannot take it as read that the latest greatest driver is going to work with a graphics card that is 12 months old.  This is most like ly the reason I cannot run much later driver than the 185.85 for my 9800 GTX+ anything later give my PC heart failure.

Some drivers are supplemental in their install too ie going to the directory and right clicking and then select install BUT this feature isn't supported properly in W7 , UAC and other constraints can be a hindrance.

IMHO if you have a stable driver then stick with it  updating can give you issues regardless of the maker.

Oh and ALWAYS run Driver Sweeper or similar to totally remove the current driver and this then should allow you to install a later version without conflicts.

On the subject of update's NEVER use automatic Driver search and update programs as they will eventually bring your system to it's knees, IMHO Manually seek out driver updates on a bi-monthly basis as and if needed.

Turn Windows updates off completely and only install updates that are pertinent to other software you actually run and use,

I recently cleaned over 10 Gb of rubbish out of a PC that was put there by windows updates 60% of which the client wasn't even using.

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