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black screens/ corrupt graphics after exiting menu


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Hey all, Has anyone else had the problem of going into a menu to watch a replay of a perfect landing only to see a black screen or flashing/flickering graphics? I can't even adjust the fuel in my pmdg 744 with out it buggering up my flight!! There is a big topic on the pmdg/avsim forum, but have tried all the tricks there to no avail.

Only option left i quess is to un-install Everthing, and then install everything one by one to see when and what product is causing this whole mess. Any Ideas? Thanks in advance!


vista64 home prem

pmdg 744, j4100

carrenado seneca, mooney, c 185 (when I get home)

capt. sim 757

flight 1 mustang (citation)

ariane 737 800x2

pc specs in my signature!

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Hi Maurice, There is a 16 page thread on the avsim/pmdg forum with a ton of people having the same problem. I am starting to believe (reluctently) that is is a pmdg product corrupting something! If any of you have the same issues and do not have any pmdg products installed, I would love to hear about it. See if I can narrow it down to a specific add on! Thanks for the reply!

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Ah I know for a fact the ENB Light bloom or HDR tweak can cause some people issues. esspecially when ALT+ENTER to swap Full screen to windowed or restoring from minimised state.

This could be of concern and I don't have any PMDG Aircraft and quite possibly never will.

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I frequently experience the same problem when using the PMDG J41. Just as you describe either totally black screen, or black sky and no detail in the scenery (missing runways etc.). I quite often experience my aircraft becoming 90% invisible as well (also predominantly the J41) so all I can see is a few cockpit switches, but no actual cockpit of gauages to read. Very irritating as I like flying the J41 but rarely do for this very reason. Particularly a pain because I pretty much bought it to use with FsPassengers, but you need to use the menu for that.

I also experience similar problems when using the Digital Aviation Cheyenne, which is another plane I don't tend to fly that often either. More recently I've been experiencing similar problems with 90% invisible AI aircraft too, I never experienced this in the past but then I recently started using Air Hauler (experience a few FSX crashes with that) and have used the Cheyenne with that. I was also wondering if the HDR plug-in was not also causing me some graphic related issues, like semi transparent cockpit (VC) at dusk. I also noticed yesterday that the Flight1 Mustang (small business jet) is also not workign correctly, but I'm not sure if I checked it after installation - need to look into this one a bit more, as I did see a thread about the same problem elsewhere.

Very frustrating because it's not that long since I had to do a clean re-install of FSX (new HD and OS), so things like FSX crashes and corrupt graphics are really quite irritating, especially if you are using products like FsPAX and AH where you may have just completed a long flight only for a problem to occur and waste your time because of a game crash or corrupt graphics that make it impossible to complete the flight as such.  :(

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Yes very frustrating indeed! Further investigation leads me to believe that is an issue either on board sound or add on sound cards like creative xfi. I have found a few tricks to try that is suposed to cure the problem ( we'll see) I wil give them a try over the next few days and let you know what I come up with!

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