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AIR files


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Hi, I am having problems with the installation of planes I have either downloaded or got from magazines, I had abobe installed and kept getting the 'air file is damaged' message i uninstalled the adobe air but now have an installation file called mustang.air but nothing to open it with, how do i solve this problem?

I am running windows 7 Release Candidate'

Thank you


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To fix it this is to reassign the default opening program for .air files to  notepad.

(Right-Click on an .air file, click 'open with', select 'Choose Program', select notepad and make sure you tick the box where it says: Always use the selected program to open this kind of file)

Should fix your issue :)

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Poider ... why do you wish to edit the AIR file?

To use a plane this is generally unnecessary ... so the file association should not matter.

And (from memory) AIR files don't open neatly in a text editor, but resetting the file association to Notepad should be pretty benign.

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Ian he is not trying to edit AFAIK, Adobe Air has the nasty habit of installing and making all .air files 'answer' to its wishes, so after you uninstall AA the default opening file has to be reset, else you get the error he is experiencing :)

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Yes  .. you are just trying to move the default program away to stop adobe from opening them.  That is what they look like in Notepad ... but you don;t need to open them unless you are editing them.

So put it where it in its aircraft folder and ... away you go ... :D

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so i unzipped to a temporary folder and that folder contains the following files:







text documents




CFG file


and the air file


which do i put where?

please forgive my naivity

I'm thinking that i just put the panel folder in the panel folder of the fsx files

the sound folder in the panel folder etc

what about the cfg files and the air file?

and do do i leave the folders intact or copy and paste the contents of the panel folders etc?


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Generally all of that will go in its own folder (retaining its folder structure)

....\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator x\Simobjects\Airplanes

My advice would be to take a peak in the Simobjects Airplanes directory and see how the other folders are laid out.  Make a new folder like the ones you see (usually just copying what you have into its own directory)

Don;t put stuff into the other directories unless specifically told to do so.  An example would be Effects.

Good Luck.

Hmmm. which mustang is this one?

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I have emailed the support department at Adobe and outlined the issue with Adobe.com and Adobe Air and its apparent interference with MS Flight Simulator and was basically was told that I would have to live with it.

I ended up running through the uninstall for Adobe.c and Air and then blocking removing it from the registry, I am trying to work out if I can effectively block it from being reinsatalled as part of Acrobat's updates.

This is a very good example of why I detest automatic updates no matter what software or application it's for.

In this case it is simply W7 trying to be the smart arse and second guess you.

Unless you are getting corruptions occurring ignore it .

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The mustang I got from a pc pilot cover disk issue 44it is a civilian P-51 mustang and I took a look at the structures in simobjects and realised i am trying to complicate things too much so all i did was copy the p-51 folder straight to sim objcets/airplanes and now it works fine.

Thank you


and yes maurice i agree nothing should be able to automatically update itself with out the user giving it permission

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I apologise it doesn't quite work, the listing of planes inside the game has changed the last two, (piper cub and Robinson r22) have changed,  the pictures are the same but the text below is different.

The cub is now called north americam p51D mastang-pcp and the robinson is now called the piper j-3 cub when i click on the pictures i get the plane that the text says not the picture, if i delete the p51d mustang that i installed it all goes back to normal



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  • 2 weeks later...

If you don't have a Thumbnail for a particular aircraft then download this little tool Thumbnail Creator. and go nuts  Great to make your own custom Thumbnails too.

This Program was hosted at Avsim but I thought it had been lost , Written by Lamont Clarke in March of 2007.

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