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74GB Raptor Drive


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I am building a new system based on i7 920

On my current system I am running FSX, FTX etc on a stand alone 74GB Raptor drive. (Note: this NOT a veloci)  However it runs at 10,000, Av Latency 2.99, 16Mb buffer,  'Data transfer rate' 1.5Gb's etc.  This Raptor is about 4 years old, pre 'veloci', I think.

My question is:- Would I use this drive for the same purpose on my new system or would I opt for a more modern drive, say WD Caviar Black 640Gb 32 Mb buffer, or the like?

The data transfer rates are significantly higher on the later drives (3 Gb's) which maybe important (positive) although they are spinning at only 7,200 RPM, which may also be significant (negative)

Any advice from the learned folks here would be appreciated.

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IMHO you'd be better using an SSD as your Boot and Flight Drive along with your Page file and the 64Gb as backup, You could easily use the 64 Gb drive as your Boot drive with no sacrifice in speed , and a SSD for your flight.

Now as for HD purchase , I won't give WD drives Case space but that is personal preference, and if your buying 640 Gb why not spend a few extra $$ and go 1Tb or 1.5 Tb . splitting this up into backup sections and archival program storage.

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Guest J van E

I also would get an SSD. I will never ever buy a regular hard disk again...! Well, maybe one for backup, but certainly not for regular use!

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+1 for SSD drive and a raptor.

I'm using a 30Gb OCZ Vertex and I picked up on sale for my windows/pagefile and a 150GB VRaptor for FSX.  Would love to run FSX off of SSD aswell, but with the windows install I only have about 17Gb left which is not enough for FSX and all teh add-ons, but the Vraptor does just fine.

If you have the money (even if you don't right now, I would save up) and pick up either an OCZ or an Intel SSD for your windows install and use your raptor for FSX. A 30Gb SSD will run you about $125-150 depending on which you choose. Just a heads up, the 40Gb Intel drive formats to ~37Gb where as 30GbOCZ formats to ~29.6Gb, something to keep in mind when weighing the price/Gb.


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On further examination I think that the OS on the Velociraptor and the Pagefile FSX and Temp on the SSD would be a better option .....reason  once Windows has loaded there is not a lot that goes on where drive speed is going to make as bigger impact as running your FSX from an SSD. I am saving a few bucks here and there to test that theory.

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Guest J van E

I have Windows 7 and FSX on one 80 Gb Postville SSD: I would never put the OS on a Raptor: in the background the OS is constantly doing things and it's not simply a program that is loaded and that's it. Windows startup in no time and is quick all the way, so no, I would never put Windows 7 on a slow  8) raptor!  ;)

If you don't go too wild on addons, a 80 Gb SSD (which isn't that more expensive than a smaller and slower (!) 40 Gb SSD is enough to get you going. I do have an old fashioned D: drive on which I have programs and things that do not need to be speedy. On the SSD I have Windows 7, FSX, FTX Blue and Gold, OZx and one addon plane and I still have 35 Gb free, so there is more than enough room for PNW and more planes. Things like FEX are on my D: drive because they don't need to be run after using them once.

If I do need more space in the future for FSX stuff, I'll buy another SSD (by that time they will be cheaper).

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