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can u??


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first off im not good that good with computers, :(

im thinking of investing in a ssd and just want to know if i install the drive can i copy n paste my whole FSX file to it

(can it be that easy??) or what are the steps involved, any info would be great thanks

Mat G

btw i have a Q6600 at 3.4Gz and am thinking of a Qx9650,(which i belive can get to 4.1) what are your toughts on this ?

should i abandon the LGA 775 and just go for i7? :-\

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Guest boeingqa

To be honest l wouldnt brother. SSD`s are way different than hard drives. The best is to do a full reinstall of everything.

You can try but l wouldnt, l would play it safe and take your time and just reinstall everything. l know its a pain but in the

long run it will be well worth it.



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