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ORBX ESSA Approach lights

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As I did an approach into Arlanda it was pretty poor visibility and low overcast of 2200 feet. I noticed that the approach lights has the MALSF lights (aka running rabbit) with flashing lights. 


As far as I know, the airport is not equipped with these kind of lights, so I was wondering if there is some way to simply turn them off by maybe changing something in the BGL file connected to the approach lights. Im very new to editing scenery in p3d so please correct me if Im wrong. 


I was reading a bit in this link: https://www.prepar3d.com/SDKv4/sdk/world/scenery/scenery_overview.html

and came to the cunclusion that you could easily change what type of approach lights you want activated at a certain airport by edit a line or two in the files.


Is this possible? This is really no rush, just a heads up about the upcoming update.



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