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Will a LCD TV be able to handle FSX?

I want to turn our study into a gaming/entertainment room with XBOX, DVD TV etc, mainly to get the kids away from our lounge room so that we can enjoy it again. This includes buying a new LCD TV to fit the space.

A long-term dream of mine is to build a new PC capable of handling FSX and FTX (and I'll ask for build advice when the time comes!).

Will a LCD TV be up to the demands of FSX and FTX? I want to make sure that I don't build a fantastic system only to be let down by the quality of the display.


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A Full 1080p HD tv should be fine for what you want. It has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. I have seen some PC games being played on one and they look pretty good. It would be the minimum I would consider getting.

Depending on your budget I would reccomend a Samsung. All my TVs are Samsungs and I love them. Only other option is a big a*se monitor and a sound system :P

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Welcome to the FTX forums mate.

The quality of display will depend totally on the standard and spec and quality of the TV you buy. Get a nice 1080 screen with high contrast ratio and low as possible back light bleed and you'll be set, but it will come at a price. Dont be tempted to get a cheap model as they generally have poor colour representation and lots of light bleed, if you want quality you have to pay for it. LG do some really nice screens, i have allways gone with LG after having many favorable experiences with their products.

I would love to be able to afford to run FSX on a 42" TV, but alas i have to make do with my 22" TFT for now, and for the foreseeable future!  :-\


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OK, thanks for advice. It won't be a big TV, as the study isn't as big as the lounge room, so that should keep the costs to a minimum. I will do the research on the brands - although our main TV is a Panasonic which we are impressed with.

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Hey mate,

I use an LG full HD TV for all of my viewing pleasure - PC games, FSX, TV, Blu-ray movies, etc... 

Agree with the previous posts but my advice to you is to make sure that it has a good refresh rate.  Minimum you want is 5ms, GTG.  If you see a 2ms one within budget, that's even better but you should still test it.

Do yourself a favour when shopping: never trust the demo visuals that you see already running on them in the shops.  They are carefully tailored to make the product look good on the shelf.

If you have - or can get hold of - a decent enough laptop that can run a benchmark app like 3DMark-06 at high resolution and smooth fps rates, take it (with the benchmarking app installed) to the store and ask to connect your laptop to it to test the quality.  Then you can check carefully for rips, light bleeding and other abnormalities that may show up on an inferior product.  If the sales assistant refuses to let you do this, well maybe he's not interested in your money either.  ;)

That's how I bought my current one and my eyes have been smiling ever since.  8)


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Good advice, although running a benchmark app might be beyond me. When buying the main TV, I just read heaps of reviews, spoke to people who owned various TVs etc. But it's good to know that a good quality TV for normal viewing will do the job for FSX.

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