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Multipul Monitor / Multi Computer / High Resolution / Viewable Gauges


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Matrox Triple head has resolution limitations. Eyefinity works only with certain games / sims. This may be the answer to the quest for wide screen simming:  http://www.wideview.it/wideview.htm  Downside, need to run 3 x computers. Upside, a videocard, and complete computer can be dedicated to each monitor. Never tried it but looks interesting and promising. A person could build 3 computers with second hand parts and have this set up.

  Could take a Hybred approach, use Triplehead, and a laptop for viewing gauges, GPS, etc.

  Used laptops are cheap and would suffice for gauges etc. The extra work of viewing would not tax video or CPU since each unit does the job independently of each other.

  Thus one could crank the resolution of each unit beyond Matrox's or ATI's Eyefinity, and end up with a super wide screen solution.

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2 respectable graphics cards in the same quad core will work fine without the need for wide view and other bottle neck applications.  TH2GO on the Main Video Card and either a dual head to go on that card or a small single monitor running of that card as well and since you NOT needing 3d Acceleration for instruments and maps etc an average card will work with it's 2 outputs, and now you have up to 6 monitors all running of the same PC without the need for any additional hardware.

In the end you will likely spend less but building one more powerful PC than mucking about trying to get 3 functioning.

These[/url are available for 8 monitors but are likely NOT 3D acceleration capable.

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Excellent post Maurice! That is what I will be trying to do eventually. Your suggestion is much much easier, and less expensive. Less power and easier to do. My goal is the gauges on a seperate monitor. 15" LCD's are cheap, and a second card a lot less expensive vs entire computer. 

  To have the gauges on a lower screen will add greater immersion.

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I have an analogue TH2GO currently and also use a 17" LCD 4:3 format on the second port of my nVidia 9800GTX+ and it runs my TS any other things (I fly with the track IR in VC mode ) .

I see no reason why with  a good performing MoBo and Processor etc you couldn't run a DH2GO off the second port of your primary Video Card or a second PCI Vid card and use it's 2 ports as an alternate.

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