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ORBX ground texture appears Blurry


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I have an issue with blurry ground textures , the texture become blurry the further away you fly off from the airport (blurry after more than 5 miles from takeoff rwy).
I have tried many solutions , and repro the issue (textures appears normal on the default prepare3d scenary).
I had traced the isssue back to ORBX using multiple configurations attemps (including full reinstall of the client and scnery files)
All rpro attempts were made using the default F22 aircratf.

Tchnical Details:

Os : Win 10 x64 Pro
P3D:  Academic license (4.3)
ADD-ONS:  PTA,PMDG's (737,747,777), Qw (787), aerosoft (airbus 318-321)
                    Active Sky + Rex 3d Sky Force, ezdoc v2, GSX + Level2

CPu:  intel i7 3820 (Sandy - Bridge - EP): Frequency 3700 Mhz
RAM: 32GB (1866 Mhz)
Platform - LGA 2011 (Socket R)

GPU:  Nvidia GTX1080 (Driver Version: NVIDIA)

Enclosed is an image with missing and/or Blurry Ground texture (compared to the default scenery)

Enclosed is the Default Scenery for comparison:




Using the default sceney the texture was much more sharp and consistent refresh rate was very rapid and consistent,
*(quality of default scenery picture was reduced to match uplod size limitation)

**Included the P3D CFG file

Looking for a solution,



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