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Indistinct Terrain textures (mainly Mountains)


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I'm experiencing blurry textures, mainly ''mushy' mountains, which has got me at my wits end. Tried all sorts of settings combinations, done hours and hours of testing, and nothing seems to solve it. I do know looking at old videos that the mountains were never this bad - since then I have upgraded cpu/MB, and of course there's been some P3D point upgrades. Thing I'm really asking I guess is, are these blurry mountains normal in v4.3?


Did a clean install of v4.3 this morning, so these screenshots are completely default, and were the same before I increased the sliders to see if that made a difference. Only 'add-ons' are Global base, and KSEZ itself, nothing else.


System: I8700K oc to 4.8 HT off, MSI Z370 Pc pro MB, Gigabyte GTX1080,  16GB DDR4 2333 XMP to 3000, no .cfg tweaks, no NVI/NVCP settings


Thanks in advance for any help












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Hi and welcome to the forum !


Because the textures are stretched, mountains sides will always looks not as sharp as other parts of the scenery, but yours looks worst than it should be.


Try this:


2. AA: 8xMSAA

2. Anisotropic: 16X


Also, more autogen density will hide the less sharp textures, so crank it a notch to Dense.





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Thanks very much for that Mike, but actually they were my usual settings before I re-installed P3D. Kind of comforting to know that it's not normal but on the other hand frustrating that it's so far unsolvable.


As I've changed every setting imaginable over the last weeks/months of testing, and clean installed, I'm wondering if it's something hardware-related after my recent MB/CPU upgrade?


Thanks again



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Andy,


Were you able to resolve this issue?  Spend hours and days to resolve this issue, but with no luck yet.


I am pretty much in the same boat.  In my case the mountains looks good when FTXGlobalbase & FTXEULC is installed.  Once I add FTXLOWI to this, the mountains around LOWI turn what you call "mushy".  If the concept of stretched textures is correct, the mountains should not look nice and crisp when FTXLOWI is not installed.





System: i6700K oc to 4.5 HT ON, ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger, GALAX GTX1080Ti,  16GB DDR4 2666 XMP to 3200, no cfg tweaks, no NVI/NVCP settings

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P3D has a problem with Photo Scenery textures loading. Those PS textures are not loading to full crisp as fast as with Land Class textures. LM is aware of that problem, and this issue has been discussed a lot in the sim forums. Around LOWI many PS textures are used (and around many payware airports), so you will perhaps see more of this behavior in that location than in a LC location.


@airnorth Perhaps your problem is also related to PS textures used around the airport. Try to fly away from airports to see if blurry sides of mountains are having issues.



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