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[RESOLVED: install YCDR 1.1 patch] What have I done?


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I have spent the past five hours trying to fix this,but I now give in and ask for help.

I have completely lost the Brisbane CBD! All the buildings have vanished. I now have bare ground!

Melbourne, Sydney and Perth have some of their buildings but there are bare patches where others should be.

If I untick all ORBX files in Scenery Library all the defaulf buildings re-appear.

I don't know how long it has been like this as I have not visited major cities for some time. It could have happened when I re-installed FSX.

I believe I made an error installing something, but what?

As ORBX has not done Brisbane I can not see how why it should be affected worse than anywhere else.

Can anyone offer any suggestions? I don't fancy doing another complete re-install :'(


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