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Dual Core i5 @ 3.33 Ghz


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Happy new Year first of all !!

I just came across an article in Germany´s leading computer magazine c´t


for the first time discussing some properties of Intels novel 32 nm technology-based, Core i5 661 dual core processor for the LGA1156 platform, which runs @ 3.33 Ghz ( no overclocking !! ) and obviously integrates a (42 nm based) graphic chip.

I haven´t been able to find any data on Intels website ( so far ) - yet it is quite obvious, that this processor is available on the market allready


Thus, I´d very much appreciate your comments

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default clock alone wont provide any performance increase over the i5-750, the i5-750 is at 2.66Ghz stock giving a total CPU speed of 10.64Ghz (2.66ghz x 4 cores) where the westemere(dual core 32nm) core i5 would only give u 6.66Ghz, but the chip it self would have a lot overclocking capability.  ;D

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