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Hi folks,

          Need some opinions on a hypothetical control setup for FSX, ie how would FSX handle the following.....

Four port USB hub with the following mix of controls plugged into it.

ch-pro yoke

ch-pro pedals

Saitek throttle quadrant

and possibly a go-flight module...

Would FSX spit the dummy and not recognise all the inputs or is it smart enough to sort them and let you assign controls as you need them?.

At the moment i'm using one USB for the yoke and one for an old set of logitech racing pedals for rudder control and it works ok.



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One other setting you need to check is that in your OS Under \device manager\usb etc\Properties\power management you do NOT have "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" ticked.  If ticked you can get all sorts of issues. :)



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