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Here you go Iain, copied from a googled site http://www.64-baker-street.org/transport/transport_lysander.html

No 161 Squadron, based at RAF Tempsford, was responsible for flying agents into and out of occupied France. This special duties squadron, equipped with Lysander aircraft, used RAF Tangmere, on the English south coast, as an advance base for flying highly dangerous night-time missions into occupied France. Pilots needed to exercise flying skills of a very high order indeed as they were required to fly at night during full moon periods across hostile territory, locating and landing at a pre-determined rendezvous for a drop or a pick-up on ground which was typically illuminated by only three hand-held torches. Landing on and taking off from muddy ground could be very hazardous indeed, even for the most competent pilots.

Maximum speed, 230 m.p.h. at 10,000 ft. Range with full load, 600 miles at 150 m.p.h. Service ceiling, 21,500 ft.

Two fixed 0.303 machine-guns forward and one 0.303 gun manually operated in rear cockpit. Six light bombs on stubs attached to wheel pants.

Scored a few new bargain aircraft recently the timing of this one is not good.  I'll sit back and see how it is received by others.

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