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CTD after 90min


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Started a 350nm flight through Holland. Take-off from EHGG (Groningen) to EHLW (Leeuwarden) to EKHD (Den Helder) >>> all went well and although some blurries here and there, it was smooth and beautiful scenery!

Then from EKHD to EHRD (Rotterdam) and as I approached Amsterdam the micro-stutters began but we pushed through and by the time we landed in Rotterdam, it was stutters. Shutdown the aircraft and let everything settled. Take-off to EHWO (Woensdrecht) but by now the FPS jump between 4 and 30 (capped at 30 due to Vsync on 4K and set to 60 FPS in P3D settings to reduce the blurries).

By now we're more than an hour in P3D and flying over the Netherlands. Touch-stutter-and-stutter-go at EHEH (Eindhoven) and down to EHBK (Maastricht). Battling blurries but mainly stutters.

Had something to eat and then straight to EHLE (Lelystad) but abeam Amsterdam P3D decided, ENOUGH! and KAPAAAW! CTD!!! No warning. No log file. No reason.

Well I suppose x64 bit has its limits with 82GB of scenery but surely this magnificent scenery was not created in order for P3D to buckle underneath the detail?


Aircraft: JustFlight Arrow Turbo

Weather: ASP4 with fair weather scattered low clouds

NL TE Settings: Everything on except - traffic and boats

P3D Settings: Moderate to high but no sliders fully to the right

PC Specs: i7 7700 @ 4.2 with GTX1080Ti with 32GB DDR4 on Win10x64


Maybe more optimisation or some guidelines on what to switch on and off in the Ned TE settings?

Transaction ID: 5ae0725d6282a


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