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Nvidia GeForce 300's to outpace dual Radeons


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Sounds like a bit of a hype to me. I have no doubt some of the 300 series will be faster than some of the 5xxx series, but I wouldn't personally pin it on that supposedly leaked benchmark.

Still, be interesting to see what nVidia can do and what ATi responds with - it's always been a game of cat n mouse isn't it?



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Was thinking of purchasing a 285 but will wait to see now what these cards are like when they appear and if they are too expensive the 285 might drop in price a bit anyway when the 300 come out so im in no hurry at the moment to buy i will wait and see.



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Results are fake.


Just buy a 5870 and live happliy ever after...  Based on things around the web, FERMI appears to be shaping up to be somewhat of a flop like the 5000 series cards...

I hope it's not a flop...  Just want the best card to stick-around...  But...  Looks like ATI may win the round...

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