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Anyone reaching 4.5 to 5 ghz Over clocking?


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Seems that at 4 GHZ is about the tip of the iceburg for the I7 920. Anybody getting 4.5 to 5 and flying FTX? What is your set up? How are the FPS when flying Orbx products? I am trying to build a computer with 4.5 to 5  ghz for flying FTX. Interesting to see if anyone clocked over the 4 ghz, and what the results are. Thank you.

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I don't know if the i7 920 can do it but the i7 975 will with a very good cooling system like this one,


You'll also need the fastest memory your board can take to reach these numbers, like 2200MHz +


Everything need to work perfectly, more power to you if you can do it but be ready to spend a lot of time tweaking your rig to be stable at 5.0GHz......

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My goal is a 3 parts. Get the quality components for my build. 2. Initially use a good CPU cooler (air). Phase 3 of my operation is to get a Phase cooler for the CPU (you suggested that BTW). Then do the overclock dance. Learning as I go, so taking all the advice I can get. The final goal is hopefully a 4.5 to 5 ghx rig for FSX. Since it will be used only for that, do not mind the hacking of a computer ie Phase cooling, to get results. Buying a used Phase cooler and see what is what. This is a hobby project just for FSX. Wondering if the over clock to 4.5  / 5 provides much more FPS. 4 GHZ seems to be the sweet spot using water or air. With Phase cooling CPU temps hover around 0 depending on what is what. To go from 4 ghz to 5 is the big jump, but wonder how it affects FPS and smoothness etc. This will most likely be my second last computer so I want to make it a good one.

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