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Asus P6X58D Premium (USB 3.0, SATA 3)


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Hi Guys,

I bought the new Gigabyte GA-X56A-UD7 which has USB 3, SATA 3 and so far very pleased with it. Though I don't think I will make full use of the new features yet. The only reason I have this new board is the No. 5 ram slot gave way on my X58 Extreme.


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Bill. I've only had one Asus board give me any trouble and it turned out to be the P6T V1 when they had teething troubles with the BIOS and the new DDR3 Ram.

Other than that, I swear by them, never had better.

I'll be trading this new board (I've got the V2 in this machine now, a few months old) in on the P6x when I get back from holidays next month.


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I have used ASUS MBs since the first one came on the market, ( in the last Century) and not once

have I had a broblem with any of them . That's six MBs. Next month I am going to build the most expensive computer I have ever had and without doubt to be built on A ASUS MB!!

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