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out of memory error?


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fwiw flyguy737 - when running an E8600 with 4 gig of ram I had an OOM failure which was never seen again after installing 8 gig of ram on a Vista 64bit OS.  I can't even guess what your problem is, but reducing the autogen and LOD may be a work around till you upgrade your hardware.  ;)

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hi, normaly don't post lol.. but i had the same problem just the other day, i was able to get it fixed by alocating 3gb of ram to fsx instead of the OS alocating only 2.

a 32bit OS running on 4gb will use 2gb of that for the OS kernal and leave the other 2 for any programmes you want to run, however fsx being the resource slaughterer that it is it will naturaly want more. i have noticed this problem rears its ugly head when using high autogen, you can ofcourse lower the slider but why do that when your system can handle the higher settings.

aslong as you have fsx/sp2 or acceleration fsx will already be configured to use more then 2gb of ram, but the OS will stop it from doing so. if you don't have acceleration or sp2 there is a way to edit file header in the fsx.exe using CFF Explorer.

asuming sp2/acceration is installed you'll just have to change a setting in the OS.

note this change will work in vista 32bit and windows 7 32bit, for XP there is a similar setting for the boot.ini, but i do not know how to apply it

open a command prompt with administration rights. you find it under

"programs->accessories->command prompt" click right and select "run as administrator".

enter "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072" (without quotes) in the command window and press enter.

after that restart windows.

to reset the increased user adressspace just start the commandline prompt

with admin rights again and enter "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2048"

that should fix your problem, fsx will now use utilize up to 3gb

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The IncreaseUserVA trick is only a fudge and can cause other problems if you don't always switch back to 2048 after simming.  It actually steals memory from other vital OS functions and there is no real memory gain.

The best and most elegant fix is to switch to a 64bit OS in which the virtual address space is eumongous and such OOM crashes will disappear altogether.


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