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Flight to FTX unlisted airfields


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It's fun to try to find some of the unlisted airfields in Australia.

This is Plan-G showing a plan from Coffs Harbour north to Toumbaal, Palmer Island Field and Baryuilgil

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It would be too long for the Cub so I went in the faster Mentor which I hadn't flown in months.

Took off from Coffs Harbour and it was an easy flight to Toumbaal on the coast.

Catching some fresh air near Toumbaal

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Taxing at Toumbaal found some cows and 'roos.

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Flyby over Palmer Island field

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Near Broadwater lake en route to Baryuilgil

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Baryuilgil is tough to find. Long flight with few landmarks. I did the whole flight VFR with dead reckoning. Not easy on this leg. If you get to the river, you passed it.

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Finally Baryuilgil visible under the left wing

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Short final

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It was an enjoyable flight. Hope you liked.

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Just a comment Alex,.............maybe a "Caution"

The first time I opened the canopy during flight in a T-34 I had every map and scrap of paper that was not tied down sucked out of the airplane. At the time, I was acting as a radio relay for a CAP ground team that was trying to get to an aircraft accident in southeastern Ohio. (USA) Virtually all of Ohio had a 4000 ft overcast and I really needed those maps for VOR radio freqs, etc.. (No gps way back then.......)  So for the rest of the afternoon, when headquarters wanted to know where I was,.............well it was "Somewhere over Ohio". Boy, that really pi$%^d off the mission commander.

So, if you want to open that canopy, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sit on the maps.

:o :o :o


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